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List of used literature: 
1. Akasheva, S. "His whole life is a captivating dastan": [on the 100th 
anniversary of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly] / S. Akasheva; photo of the author // 
Friends. - 2010. - November 30 (No. 48). - S. 3.2. Momyshuly, B. Collected 
works in 2 volumes. T. 2: Our family: novel, stories, speeches, articles / B. 
Momyshuly. – Alma-Ata: Zhazushy, 1986- 304 p. 
3. Zolotova, L.A. About Baurdzhan Momysh-uly / L.A. Zolotova // Prostor. - 
2002. - No. 7. - S. 124-125. 

Education of young people through the works of Bauyrzhan Momyshuly to 
preserve and appreciate the values, customs and traditions of our people 
Sadvakassova S.A.., teacher of English 
Secondary complex school-kindergarten №77 
When educating young people in the spirit of true patriotism, it is 
necessary to turn to the life and work of such outstanding personalities who 
were and always remain examples of the most worthy and respected people of 
the people and the country. Hero of the Soviet Union Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is 
one of those great sons of the Kazakh people who went through the entire war 
and honorably fulfilled his military and civil duty. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is one 
of the brightest personalities in the history of Kazakhstan of the XX century. 
The name of the Hero of the Soviet Union B. Momyshuly does not require the 
introduction to the Kazakh country of one of the great sons - a guard Colonel, a 
writer. He is a " people's hero ", he is a "glorious military leader", "an 
outstanding writer". In General, he was recognized as the most revered person of 
the Kazakh people. In the case of Patriotic education of young people, military 
exploits, commander's orders, the writer's reflections, the very life path of the 
great hero are of great importance.
For his courage and heroism in the battle of Moscow B. Momyshuly in 
1942 was presented to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, but was awarded 
only posthumously, December 11, 1990. Combat and heroic way of B. 
Momyshuly was marked by the brilliance of two orders of the red banner, order 
of red banner of Labor, Friendship of Nations, world war I degree, red star
medals "For military merit", "For defense of Moscow", "For victory over 
Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is also known as a talented writer. Momyshuly's 
first essays were published in a local newspaper in 1928. Then-military service, 
to be an officer is his vocation. But it is no accident that during the entire war, 
every day, in the trenches, surrounded, on the March, Bauyrzhan kept diaries, 38 
notebooks were preserved. And when he wrote his books "the Story of one 
night" and "Behind us Moscow", he turned to his notes many times. Great love 
for ordinary soldiers, the Motherland is permeated by his book "Behind us 
Moscow" (1958), dedicated to the combat exploits of the Panfilov’s division. 
Momyshuly is the author of collections of short stories: "the Diary of an officer" 
(1952)," the Story of one night "(1954)," Front-line meetings " (1962). In 1963, 
he wrote a biographical story about General I. V. Panfilov "Our General", and 
for the book of stories and stories "Our family" in 1976, he was awarded The 
state Prize of the Kazakh SSR.
These are the books of a combat officer who writes, "In these notes I 
wanted to share not only my experience, but also to tell about my own 
mistakes." The author does not embellish the war, but does not focus on its 
terrible sides. The subject of war is very important to him, and he has returned to 
it more than once. 

But at the same time Momyshuly writes the book "Our family" a lyrical 
story about his childhood, about close people, about the traditions and customs 
of his people. This is an artistic creation, although it was a memoir. Here the 
writer not only clearly described his past life and the life of his native land, but 
also showed the social status of the Kazakh people in the late nineteenth and 
early twentieth century, traditions, customs, love for their native land. 
Bauyrzhan Momyshuly said that we should know the history, our traditions and 
customs have not fallen to us from heaven. We made a big mistake in relation to 
them and we can't still fix this mistake. From these words we can understand 
that he was a sincere compassionate of the lost and disappearing traditions of the 
precious heritage of our people. 
Now let's focus on the customs and traditions presented in the work “Our 
family”: "Shashu" is a solemn celebration of joy. On happy days when a child is 
born, a daughter-in-law appears, when a long-awaited guest comes from a long 
trip, women scatter sweets and silver coins. The scattered shashu is picked up by 
the guests and passed to their children. The Kazakhs «shashu» is scattered only 
by women. For example, «a lot of people gather from all sides with 
congratulations ... And they scatter shashu of baursaks ".
People who go on long trips, travel, bring small gifts to their countrymen, 
neighbors , respected people, and children. These gifts are called "bazarlyk". 
This is a sign of love, respect and is perceived as a keepsake. Bazarlyk is often 
given not only by parents, relatives but also by other outsiders."...We ran around 
and enjoyed the gift that a stranger gave us." 
No one can see the new bride until the betashar is made .On "betashar" 

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