Пән: Ағылшын тілі сынып 10 а кабинет мультимедиалық
Пән мұғалімі: Нуркенова Дидар Тлегеновна
Сабақ тақырыбы: Kazakh national traditions
Типі: білім, іскерлік,дағдыны жетілдіру
Мақсаты: оқушыларға қазақтың ұлттық салт-дәстүрлерін (үйлену тойы, тұсау кесу, ұлттық киімдер, аңшылық) сөздік қорын жаңа сөздермен байыта отырып әйгімелеуге, оқыған мәтіннің мазмұнын қысқаша баяндауға үйрету, «сөздік теннис» арқылы оқушылардың есте сақтау қабілетін дамыту, «tradition» сөзіне ассоциация айтқызу арқылы ойлауды дамыту, шығамашылық жұмыс арқылы ойлау, құрастыру, шығару икем-дағдыларын жетілдіру, қазақ халқын шетелдік қонаққа таныстыру (диалог) арқылы оқушыны ұлтжандылық, отансүйгіштікке тәрбиелеу.Power Point презентациясы , Tester программасы арқылы сабаққа қызығушылығын арттыру.
Технология: қарым-қатынас; ақпараттандыру
Көрнекіліктер: компьютер, проектор арқылы кабинет мүмкіндігін пайдалану, Tester программасы
Сабақ барысы, кезеңдері:
Мұғалім іс-әрекеті
Оқушы іс-әрекеті
- Good afternoon, pupils!
-What date is it today?
-Who is absent?
P: Greeting
Сабақты қабылдауға дайындық кезеңі
-Do you like to learn about your national traditions?
-Do you know any proverb about tradition?
Оқушылар сұраққа жауап береді, дәстүрлер туралыбілетін мақал-мәтел айтады, қазақша баламасын айтады.
3 мин
Белгілі ақпаратты еске түсіру, қайта жаңғырту
-What traditions and customs do you know?
-What kind of nation are Kazakhs?
өткен сабақ бойынша сұрақтарға жауап береді, еске түсіреді.
5 мин
-Pupils, when you hear the word ‘tradition’what accousiated words come to your mind?
-Қазақ халқы әдет-ғұрып пен дәстүрге бай? Ағылшын аудар.
Tradition: nation, folklore, belief, culture, cuisine, etc
Тақтаға шығып бір оқушы жазып тұрады.
Белгілі ақпаратты қолдануға арналған тапсырмалар.
Power Point тапсырма1
Тапрсырма: Pay attention to the blackboard.
Choose one of these pictures and describe using active words.
-Are there any volunteers to be first?
Тақтадағы суретті таңдап, суреттейді(ауызша)
Ойын «snowy comb»
Now let`s play one game, you know the rule of this game.
The theme is : meat products
Оқушылар оыйн ойнайды.
3 мин
Шығамашылық жұмыс.
Power Point тапсырма2
Now you should do some creative work. Divide into two groups.
Task1: demonstrate and act out one Kazakh tradition.
Task2: Situation. You have a guest from London. Show your hospitality.
You have 5 minutes to prepare.
Топпен жұмыс.Оқушылар екі топқа бөлінеді.
1-топ: Қазақтың бір әдет-ғұрпын көрсетеді.(диалог)
2-топ: шетелдік қонақты қарсы алу, қонақжайлылығын көрсетулері керек.(диалог)
Білімді тексеру.
Tester программасы
Let`s check your knowledge and evaluate. You have TESTER programme on your computer. You have 5 min to do test.
TESTER програмасы бойынша тест жасайды.
Үй тапсырмасына нұсқау беру
At the library we have book ‘Kazakh traditions and customs’. Your home task is to bring any additional information about KZ traditions and customs.
Қазақтың салт-дәстүрлері туралы берілген әдебиеттерді пайдалана отырып қосымша мәлімет әкеліп, мазмұнын қысқаша баяндау.
Сабақты қорытындылау, бағалау
Тест қорытындысын шығару, жинаған баллдарын есепке ала отырып бағалау.
The content of the lesson.
Date: 17.04.06
Избаситина Айнұр Алдабергеновна
The theme of the lesson: School life
The aims of the lesson:
Educational: According to the themes of the unit to complete and revise there is /are, their using in speech with prepositions of place and time.
Developing: Their written notes will be developed by doing grammar tasks, their oral speech by making and imitating dialogues and their memory will be improved by checking all learned words.
Up-bringing: To develop their interests of studying English using technical aids.
The type of the lesson: Completing and revision
The kind of the lesson: Traveling
Visual aids of the lesson: Technical aids
The plan of the lesson:
I Organization moment
II Checking the home task
III1. “Hidden words”
2.” Describing the picture”
3.”Making the dialogue”
IV Fasten of the lesson
Evaluation of marks
Giving the home task
V Concluding of the lesson
The content of the lesson:
The levels
of process
The content
Visual aids
IOrganization moment
-Good morning children! How are you? Who is on duty today? What is the date? What is the day of the week? Who is absent today? What is the weather like today?
-What was your home task? So, you home task was to make crosswords about school life. Please collect your crosswords, during the lesson I’ll check them.
-What do you see in my hands?
Yes, you are right. Today we will travel by air. The first you should look at the screen, tell me please who is he?

Plan of the open lesson
Subject: English
Date: 1.03.2007
Time: 10.00 a.m.
Form: 10 “B”
Room: 308
Quantity of pupils: 7
Teacher: Temirkhanova A.A.
Theme: Wildlife
Aim: To teach pupils to speak about wildlife in oral speech and in writing, to get full information through reading and listening.
Knowledge tasks: To teach pupils to use lexical units on theme: “Wildlife” in oral speech and in writing, to get full information through reading and listening.
Up-bringing tasks: To bring up pupils’ careful attitude to wildlife, to animals, to plants; to bring up pupils’ desire to help and protect wild and domestic animals and plants.
Developing tasks: To develop pupils’ reading, speaking, listening, writing skills, abilities in classifying information into meaningful groups and selecting the main information.
Technology: communicative
Type of the lesson: fastening
Connection with other school subject: Biology
Visual aids: pictures of animals, plants and nature, handing-out texts “Animals and plants in danger”
Lesson procedure
I. Org. moment
II. Presentation of lesson’s theme.
Teacher reads an extract from “Word 38” of a great Kazakh poet, writer and philosopher Abai Kunanbaev translated into English by Richard MacCain: “Animals rely on their strength and speed, finding refuge in deep waters, high up in rocky mountains, in the depths of forests, every living being has the urge to multiply, is endowed with the instinct of self-preservation and of rearing its young” Pupils read Abai’s words in silence, explain them orally how they understand them and say that they are connected with today’s theme.
III.Warm-up. Selected work (in writing and orally).
Teacher asks pupils to draw two circles in their copy-books and write in two cir-cles in what two parts is divided wildlife: animals (fauna) and plants (flora).
In one circle pupils write that animals are classified into: mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, rodents and insects. In another circle they classify plants into: trees, flowers, grass, berries, fruits and vegetables. Then pupils come up to the blackboard, name animals and plants calling their classes and showing in pictures.
IV. Checking-up the homework.
Teacher checks reading comprehension of the home text (ex. 6 (c), p. 97,from English textbook by T.Ayapova, form 10, for scientific-mathematical route) by writing out only figures and abbreviations on the blackboard and asks pupils to speak about the information given in the text looking at the figures and abbreviations.
V. “Guess game” (work in 2 groups)
Teacher asks pupils to divide into two groups, hands in one picture with descriptions of animals to every group and asks to guess the animal of the opposite group without showing pictures to the opposite group. Pupils must guess by asking questions like: “Is it a mammal (reptile, amphibian, bird, fish, insect)? Is it wild or domestic? Can it run (jump, fly, swim)? What food can it eat? What is its favourite food?”
VI. Reading comprehension ( work in pairs)
Teacher hands out sheets of paper with the text “Animals and plants in danger” which pupils read in silence, make up 3 false sentences according to the text and then every pupil reads his false sentences to his partner. The last one must disagree with his partner and say the right statement according to the text. When pupils disagree they should say the following: “I disagree with you because…”, “You are wrong because…”, “ Your statement is false because…”, “According to the text …”, “ You are not right because …”
VII. Creative work (individual work)
Pupils write a short composition about reasons of extinction of some animals and plants trying to use their own reasons that are not given in the text “Animals and plants in danger”. The best compositions are read by pupils and the rest class are listening.
VIII. Giving homework: prepare short information about endangered animals and plants of Pavlodar region ( in writing)
IX. Evaluating pupils’ answers.
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