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The change in both education and students

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The change in both education and students
Moran [1] identifies as a general complaint from students at all levels of education that classes are boring and they can no longer stand the traditional way of teaching. Students complain about the distance between theory and practise, about keep listening to a teacher for hours and about the kind of use of technology in education. Most educational institutes have good technological equipment, such as data shows, computers and teleconference equipments. Nevertheless, the way of teaching remains mostly the same. The new media was incorporated only marginally. Although school remains the main certifier and organiser of education, pupils have got the opportunity of learning from many other sources. One can easily learn how to manage any computer program from a video in Youtube rather than by reading the tutorial. It is impossible to deny teaching and learning is challenged as they have never been before. Education has become much more complex [1, 245-246].
On-line education is a reality more common each day. Without questioning the quality of such programs, the fact is that it is possible to have a BA degree by attending video-conference lectures, on-line classes and guidances. The students need to attend classes only occasionally and usually for tests. Traditionalists would say it is not worth comparing both systems. However it is necessary to recognise that student's demands are no longer the same. People are used to on-time information, to computer presentations and to worldwide interaction. The question teachers and professors must ask nowadays is how to bring students' attention to class once again.
A joint work between methodology and pedagogy on each area of science has to be developed.
Classroom must be a place to incite students to think. Teachers now have to have a new approach and make use of technology to bring students' interest back to classroom. Moran says that the new “infra-structure must serve changes on the teachers' behaviour, changing from being a “nanny”, who gives them everything ready, chewed, to help them, on the other hand, on organising the informative chaos, on the management of the contradictions of values and visions of the world, meanwhile, on the other hand, the teacher incites the student, “upsets” him, deinstalls him, incites him for changes and not to remain settled on the first synthesis” [1, 247].
From the methodological aspect, more than inciting, any teacher has got to help students to organize the information they have available, so students can understand them. And “Understand is organise, systematise, compare, evaluate, contextualise” [1, 245-247].
. He keeps on by saying that a second pedagogic dimension is to question and to create a tension on the understanding students had on the previous step. More than organising, a teacher must help students to surpass their knowledge.
Disorganising instigate students, and, by doing so, it brings their attention to looking for new information that might help them to understand a bit more the problems given them by the teacher.

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