Б. О. Джолдошева из Института автоматики и информационных технологий нан кр, г. Бишкек; «Cинтез кибернетических автоматических систем с использованием эталонной модели»

Annotation (with the expanded author's explanatories)

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(with the expanded author's explanatories)
In report of A.N. Pivovarov, D.A. Aubakir and Erabylaj Azen "Capture absolute democracy, communication and energy - an pilot goods from future" is considered all-powerful strategy of the seizure of the rapprochement goods market future with such while imaginative goods, as absolute communication, absolute energy and absolute democracy.
Urgency in need of the creation communication with absolute protection is already felt at our days, not dialect about future, since otherwise can not be and speech about absolute democracy. This is at least seen from that at all can be not realized electronic government (EG), in spite of undertaken 3-4 attempts to realization of the consisting of many millions order for government account for project EG beside us.
About absolute energy sort human dreams yore, and does not cease until now, and will not cease in the future. In other words, the individual source to self sufficient energy is claimed already today. Though he promised was a world religion of all times, not one of them as well as has not been able to give in dictation of the person neither flesh-colored immortality, nor omnipotence, even individual source to energy, developing which already person itself was able gain these quality. The Created Almighty god on own image and resemblance, people were to inherit such a quality from its creator, but this at all does not happen with alive people... Additionally, hitherto science could be not approached to decision this vital, vitally massive problem. The Achievements gene engineering, nanotechnologies and biotechnologies gratifying promise to carry out in life in the future such qualitative jump in life of the people.
The Absolute democracy if she is carried out in the future, why her not to be realized today? That this disturbs? On our belief, for this necessary and it is enough in the beginning to obtain two first pilot goods - an absolute communication, absolute energy. Then person will become all-powerful and him nothing will not remain, except live in bosom of the absolute democracy.

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