«Балтасап негізгі мектебі» коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесі

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    Бұл бет үшін навигация:


1. Choose the right pronoun.

That is the girl ____ brother came to see ____

  1. that / we d) whom / its

  2. whose / us e) what / us

  3. which / they

2. Choose the right pronoun.

If ____ has ____ questions, I‟ll be pleased to answer them.

  1. someone / any d) anyone / none

  2. anyone / any e) someone / none

  3. none / any

3. Choose the right pronoun.

I haven‟t read ____ of these books but George has read _____ of them.

  1. none/some d) any / any

  2. no / some e) any / no

  3. any / some

4. Choose the right pronoun.

That pen isn‟t _____ . ______ is a green one.

  1. my / my d) I /me

  2. his / he e) her / its

  3. mine / mine

5. Choose the right pronoun.

If this hat is ____, where have you put _____ ?

  1. your / mine d) ours / their

  2. his / hers e) hers / my

  3. mine / her

6. Choose the right pronoun.

_____ read the book and _____ took it to the library.

  1. he / me d) she / her

  2. I / he e) we / them

  3. you / her

7. Choose the right pronoun.

He keeps trying although there is _____ chance of success.

  1. much d) a little

  2. few e) a few

  3. much

8. Choose the right pronoun.

There are many clocks in the office but _____ of them work properly.

  1. little d) a little

  2. few e) a few

  3. much

9) Choose the right pronoun.

She wasn‟t very hungry. She has just had _____ soup.

  1. few d) little

  2. a few e)much

  3. a little

10. Choose the right pronoun.

There aren‟t ______ jobs for young people.

  1. much d) many

  2. a few e) much

  3. little

11. Choose the right pronoun.

Have you bought... in the shop?

  1. anything D) nobody

  2. somebody E) any

  3. anybody

12. Choose the right pronoun.

Are you waiting for ...?

  1. any D) anуthing

  2. somebody E) anybody

  3. something

13. Choose the right pronoun.

I found ... books on the table yesterday.

  1. anybody's D) any‟s

  2. somebody‟s E) some‟s

  3. nobody

14. Choose the right pronoun.

We have ... new friends. Have you...?

  1. some-some D) some-any

  2. any- some E) no, some

  3. any-any

15. Choose the right pronoun.

...has phoned me last night.

  1. somebody D) nothing

  2. anybody E) something

  3. anything

16. Choose the right pronoun.

...advises me to stay at home.

  1. anybody D) everysome

  2. everything E) everyany

  3. everybody

17. Choose the right pronoun.

Do you know ... here?

  1. any D) some

  2. a E) no

  3. somebody

18. Choose the right pronoun.

Silence! ... is downstairs.

  1. somebody D) no

  2. nobody E) nothing

  3. everybody

19. Choose the right pronoun.

Can ... of you help me to close the window?

  1. no D) any

  2. none E) nobody

  3. some

20. Choose the right pronoun.

...of them were dancing, others were playing cards.

  1. some D) nobody

  2. no E) any

  3. nothing 21. Our aunt lives in Astana …. is the capital of Kazakhstan.

  1. Who d) Whom

  2. Which e) What

  3. Where

22. Choose the right pronoun.

I have gloves … look like to yours.

  1. how many d) where

  2. which e) who

  3. what

23. Ask the question underline word. Vegetarians don‟t eat meat.

  1. Who doesn‟t eat meat? d) What eats dogs?

  2. What animals eat meat? e) What don‟t eat meat?

  3. What does eats meat?

24. Choose the right pronoun.

Have you got _____ disks with movies?

  1. anything d) this

  2. some e) she

  3. any

25. Choose the right pronoun.

I‟m sorry I forgot to inform you about _______ .

  1. that is d) that

  2. those e) these is

  3. this was



Сын есім – заттың, қҧбылыстың сынын, сапасын, сипатын, тҥрін, тҥсін, т.б. қасиеттерін білдіретін сӛз табы.

Сын есімнің түрлері

Simple adjective

(Негізгі сын есім)

Derived adjective

(Туынды сын есім)

Compound adjective

(Күрделі сын есім)

Qualitative adjective

(Сапалық сын есім)

Relative adjective

(Қатысты қ сын есім)

Green, nice, small, good

Useful, helpless, famous, formal


Red, big, cold, black

Woolen, golden, wooden.

Каталог: uploads -> doc -> 115c
doc -> Ана тілі №2. Тақырыбы: Кел, балалар, оқылық Мақсаты
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doc -> Сабақ Сабақтың тақырыбы : Кіріспе Сабақтың мақсаты : «Алаштану» курсының мектеп бағдарламасында алатын орны, Алаш қозғалысы мен Алашорда үкіметі тарихының тарихнамасы мен дерекнамасына қысқаша шолу
doc -> Тәрбие сағаттың тақырыбы: Желтоқсан жаңғырығы
doc -> Сабақтың тақырыбы : Әбунасыр Әл- фараби Сабақтың мақсаты
doc -> Сабақ жоспары Тақырыбы: Үкілі Ыбырай Мектеп:№21ом мерзімі
115c -> Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті
115c -> Сабақ Тақырыбы: и әрпі және дыбысы Бастауыш сынып мұғалімі: Байжуманов А. К
115c -> Сабақтын тақырыбы «Биология әлемі»
115c -> Қазақстанның қалалары. (3-сынып) Сабақтың мақсаты

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