Ключевые слова:
мифологема, миф, зооморфные образы, культ, териоморфизм, символический образ.
Manifestation of zoomorphic mythologems in heroic epos
А.N. Nazarova,
N.B. Mansurov,
Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan
nazar_anel@mail.ru, nurmanber@mail.ru
The theme of heroism is one of the inherent themes in the poetic creativity of the peoples of the world.
The article
analyzes zoomorphic mythologems in the works of the batyrs, which became the treasures of folk literature.
The study re-
vealed common zoomorphic mythologems that occur in heroic epics in the mythological image of the world. The cult of the
horse and the dragon in the epics – determines the stage of development of views and worldview of the people, the experience
of knowing the world. Zoomorphic images with fragments of epics that have their place in folk culture were compared in the
Key words:
mythologem, myth, zoomorphic images, cult, theriomorphism, symbolic image.
Редакцияға 21.01.2020 түсті.