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!10-ОШ ТЖБ Информатика 7-сын қаз Обновлен, 1 Информатика 6 сынып Компьютерлік ойындарды әзірлеу Сахна мен кейіпкерлерді бейнелеу Сабақ жоспары, 00043618-d8ad8d67, с одаренными 2, с одаренными 2, терінің маңызы мен құрылысы. (3), форма оценки, 7 Оку жоспары Информатика 7 сынып, өзін-өзі тану, 1 Информатика 6 класс Как работает компьютер Поурочный план, 7 Оку жоспары Информатика 7 сынып, 9 сынып тарбие са5аты
Active Voice

Passive Voice

Present Indefinite Tense

Dana washes the room.

The room is washed (by Dana)

Past Indefinite Tense

Dana washed the room

The room was washed (by Dana)

Future Indefinite Tense

Dana will wash the room

The room will be washed (by Dana)

Present Perfect Tense

Dana has washed the room

The room has been washed (by Dana)

Past Perfect Tense

Dana had washed the room, before I came.

The room had been washed, before I came.

Future Perfect Tense

Dana will have washed the room by 10 o’clock.

The room will have been washed by 10 o clock.

Present Continuous Tense

Dana is washing the room

The room is being washed (by Dana).

Past Continuous Tense

Dana was washing the room.

The room was being washed (by Dana).

Future Continuous Tense

Dana will be washing the room at 10 o clock. tomorrow.


Бекіту жаттығулары

Жаттығу №1
Сөйлемдерді ырықсыз етіске айналдырыңыз:
Үлгі: Do they sell clothes in this shop? - Are clothes sold in this shop?
1. Liz showed me some holiday pictures.
2. Someone is cleaning the windows.
3. She tapped him on the hand with her pen.
4. I don't like people laughing at me.
5. People spend a lot of money on food.
6. Is Sue washing the car?
7. Who made this mess?
8. Grandfather is going to tell the children a story.
9. They will open the new sports centre soon.
10. They made him confess to the robbery.

Жаттығу №2
Сөйлемдерді Present Indefinite Passive-ке қойып жазыңыз:

the documents / print
the window / open
the shoes / buy
the car / wash
the litter / throw away
the letter / send
the book / read / not
the songs / sing / not
the food / eat / not

Жаттығу №3
Сөйлемдерді аударыңыз:
1. Мен айттым. – Маған айтылды.
2. Мен көрсеттім. – Маған көрсетті.
3. Ол әкелді. – Оны әкелді.
4. Біз сұрадық. – Бізден сұрады.
5. Біз жауап бердік. – Бізге жауап берілді.

Жаттығу №4
Жақшаны ашып, етістіктерді ырықсыз етіске қойыңыз:
1. The postbox (to empty) every day.
2. The stamps (to postmark) at the post office.
3. The letters (to sort) into the different towns.
4. The mail (to load) into the train.
5. The letters (to deliver).

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