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Жаттығу №2 Бағыныңқы сөйлемдерді of

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Жаттығу №2
Бағыныңқы сөйлемдерді of демеулігі бар герундиймен ауыстырыңыз:
E.g. She thought she would go to the country for the weekend.
She thought of going to the country for the weekend.
1. I thought I would come and see you tomorrow. 2. I am thinking that I shall go out to the country tomorrow to see my mother. 3. What do you think you will do tomorrow? – I don’t know now; I thought I would go to the zoo, but the weather is so bad that probably I shan’t go. 4. I hear there are some English books at our institute bookstall now. – So you are thinking that you will buy some, aren’t you? 5. I thought I would work in the library this evening, but as you have come, I won’t go to the library.

Жаттығу №3
Герундийді қолданып сөйлемдерді аударыңыз:
1. Сөйлесуді доғарыңыз. 2. Біз бұл мәселе бойынша жұмыс істеуді тоқтаттық. 3. Ән айтуды жалғастырыңыздар. 4. Сіз менің терезені ашуыма қарсы емессіз бе? 5. Ол өзінің қылмысқа қатысты екенін мойындамады. 6. Мен сурет салғанды жақсы көремін. 7. Біз жүзуден ляззат алдық. 8. Мен онымен келіспеуіме болмады. 9. Ол қатты күліп жіберді. 10. Ол шылым тартуды тастады..

Жаттығу №4
Жақшаны ашып, герундийді ырықты немесе ырықсыз формада қолданыңыз:
1. He was always ready for (to help). 2. He was very glad of (to help) in his difficulty. 3. On (to allow) to leave the room, the children immediately ran out into the year and began (to play). 4. In (to make) this experiment, they came across some very interesting phenomena. 5. The results of the experiment must be checked and rechecked before (to publish). 6. David was tired of (to scold) all the time. 7. The watch requires (to repair). 8. The problem is not worth (to discuss). 9. Jane Eyre remember (to lock) up in the red room for (to contradict) Mrs. Reed. 10. Why do you avoid (to speak) to me?

Жаттығу №5
Жақшадағы етістіктерді Infinitive-ке қойыңыз немесе –ing жалғаңыз. 
Examples: I enjoy walking (walk) in the ram. Would you like to have (have) something to eat?
1. I want _______ (see) a film on TV this evening.
2. I hope _______ (hear) from you soon. Best wishes, Peter.
3. When did you finish _______ (paint) the kitchen?
4. I began _________ (learn) English when I was seven.
5. Some people like ____________ (have) breakfast in bed, but I don't.
6. Don't forget _______________ (post) my letter!
7. We've decided ____________ (get) married in the spring.
8. When she saw how I was dressed, she started ___________ (laugh).
9. What do you want ________ (do) tonight?
10. I'd like ________________ (go) to the theatre.

Жаттығу №6
Дұрыс формасын таңдаңыз:
1. As I was walking to the shops I saw my old friend Peter, so I stopped (talk) ________ to him.
2. Martin stopped (read) _______ turned off the light and went to sleep.
3. Managed (learn) ________ English, but she found it too difficult and gave up.
4. If you’ve got a headache, you should try (take) _______ an aspirin.
5. If you see Susan, can you remember (ask) ________ her to come and see me?
6. I can remember (write) ______ the letter yesterday, but I can't remember (post) _______ it.
7. I’m sorry, but I’m so busy that I can’t help you (do) _______ the washing up at the moment.
8. I can't help (laugh) __________ whenever I see a Charlie Chaplin film.

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