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методы обучения Дадли

What ideas are you having about your own learning after leaving school? 
Redesign your interview to take account of what you have learned about doing this research. 
You might want to extend this research to more people or to ask more questions. 

What is it? 
This simple activity encourages pupils to determine how confident they feel that they’ve 
achieved what was expected by the end of a lesson or session. It might also be used by pupils as 
a means of expressing how confident they are that they know the response to a question which 
has just been posed by the teacher/facilitator. For the latter, this activity allows an instant 
assessment of how well a class or group may have grasped an issue or topic. See 
Thumb Tool 
for another activity which encourages pupils to think about their learning. 
How does it work? 
1. After a session pupils are asked how confident they are that they have met the objectives. One 
of three hand gestures might be used: Full hand up with all fingers and thumb if they are very 
confident that they have achieved the objectives and what was expected; 
Three fingers if they feel that they have had partial success in meeting the objectives, but some 
more work might be needed; or Just fist if they consider that they have made little or no progress 
towards meeting the objective. 
2. If the tool is being used in response to a specific question from the teacher during 
the course of the lesson, the following statements might apply: Full hand up with all fingers and 
thumb if they feel very confident that they know the answer; Three fingers if they may know part 
of the answer or if they are slightly uncertain as to the accuracy of their response; or Just fist if 
they definitely feel that they do not know the response. 
3. If the tool is used at the end of a session, a 
may explore issues such as how the 
objective was met, what else pupils feel that they would like to achieve and how they could go 
about doing this, what might have hindered progress towards the objective and how they can 
prevent future similar obstacles. 


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