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LESSON: Unit 6 Health and body

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LESSON: Unit 6 Health and body
Days of the week

School: “Friendship”

Date: 22.04.2021

Teacher name: Bolatbekova Kumis Yerlankyzy


Number present:


Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

1.L3 recognise with support simple greetings recognise the spoken form of a limited range of basic and everyday classroom words
1.R1 recognise initial letters in names and places
1.S3 pronounce basic words and expressions intelligibly

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • listen and repeat the words according to the topic Days of the week

Most learners will be able to:

  • recognise and name some words according to the topic Days of the week

Some learners will be able to:

  • name and use most of the words according to the topic Days of the week

Success criteria

Students will have succeeded in this class if they:

  1. Name words correctly

  2. Followed the instruction of the teacher immediately with support

  3. Say sentence describing things

Value links

Respect and cooperation by:

  1. Listening to the teacher

  2. Listening to each other

  3. Take turns

  4. Encourage each other

  5. Helping each other

Cross curricular links

Kazakh language , Russian language (naming things in Kazakh, Russian and English) Art,music,PE

ICT skills


Previous learning

Food , Fruit, Shapes.What is this? Do you like ice cream? Yes/No, I like/I don't like,vocabulary


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



Organizational moment
Teacher greets students. Teacher asks students “How are you?” to find out their mood at the beginning of the lesson; students say “I am ok,happy….etc.” Introduce lesson objectives to the students.
Warming up
Students watch a video and follow the instructions to make a circle of different shapes and sizes. Students may sing along whilst following the instructions of the song: Make a circle big((Make a circle big, big, big; small, small, small; big, big, big;Make a circle small, small, small; Hello, hello, hello)

  • Students are divided into groups of four "ANIMALS", "FOOD", "FRUIT" on mozaike method by choosing card, making shapes triangle,square,circle and, take their places.

  • game "Oramal tastamak" put question to a member of a group by throwing a handkerchief . What do you like? Do you like ice-cream? Have you got a dog?



a handkerchief

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