joy, bliss, gladness, mirth, wynn, lisse.
Шарипова Мухлиса Эркин қизи
Студент, Национальный университет
Узбекистана, Ташкент, Узбекистан
Данная диссертационная статья посвящена концептуальной структуре «радость»,
которая тесно связана с общественной жизнью того периода, его развлечениями и иерархией
ценностей. Важно обсудить эти изменения в социальной и культурной истории.
Ключевые слова:
радость, блаженство, радость, веселье, победа облегчение
Sharipova Muxlisa Erkin Qizi
Talaba, O’zbekiston Milliy
Universiteti Toshkent, O’zbekiston
Ushbu maqola davrning ijtimoiy hayoti, uning ko'ngil ochishi va qadriyatlar iyerarxiyasi
bilan chambarchas bog'liq bo'lgan "quvonch" ning kontseptual tuzilishiga bag'ishlangan. Ijtimoiy va
madaniy tarixdagi ushbu o'zgarishlarni muhokama qilish juda muhimdir.
Kalit so’zlar
: quvonch, baxt-saodat, xursandchilik, shodlik, zafar, yengillik
In this article we try to analyze lexical-semantic field of words denoting to concept of “Joy” in
Middle English. The analysis rendered similar results to those for OE meaning of “joy”.
№4 | 2021
Joy it co-occurs with bliss, mirth, gladness, plesaunce, play, glee, game, felicity, delight, sovereign
good, comfort, peace, rest, health, honour, prosperity, glory and victory over enemies. It contrasts
with pain, woe, sorrow, hevynesse ‘sorrow’, torment.
Joy in this meaning appears in the following verb phrases:
give joy; have joy; grant joy; pay with joy; find joy; bring joy to somebody; live in joy; be full of
While we have analyzed occurrences of joy in The Canterbury Tales, The Book of the
Duchess we have found out that it appears with the following positive emotions and States: bliss,
mirth, gladness, plesaunce, playing ‘entertainment’, delight felicity, health, honour, rest, quiet and
contrasts with sorrow, woe, pain, distress, harm, hevynesse ‘sorrow’, tribulations, grief. In most
cases the negative feelings are aroused by a disappointment in love, love itself being by far the most
common cause of the earthly joy. As this type of joy is broil ‘uncertain’ it may become sovereign,
endless, eternal, great, but also dreadful and piteous. Joy is a loanword that entered English from
OF, but it appears in all those collocation types which determine the metaphorical structure of the
concept of “joy” that we established for OE.
The body is a container for emotion metaphor is represented by a verb phrase be full of joy.
Joy is a commodity is expressed by get joy, give joy, lose joy, send joy to somebody and have joy.
Joy is a container is illustrated by be in joy, live in joy and bring to/out of joy. The importance of
the role of self is indicated in such collocations as win joy, to make joy 'entertain, enjoy' and seek
joy. Now it is not only God, or even the beloved raised to the status of God, but anybody who may
do or make somebody joy. The increase in the degree of control that one has over one's joy is
evident. However, the idea of the transistorizes of 'earthly joys' also persists, as shown in:
joye lasteth little while, joye of worldly thyng ...shalflee, worldly joye is soon ago I may not alway
dure I ne lasteth I shal turn to sorrow.
The non-religious sources of joy are love, kissing and other bodily pleasures, talking about
the beloved, lovers' reunions, meeting or seeing somebody dear, generosity, prosperity, receiving
gifts, having a child and another person's misfortune. Joy may be expressed through laughing,
singing, loud behavior, dancing, jumping, kissing, holding hands and weeping. The data from MED
give three more causes for joy: Hunting; Keeping horses; Possessing something valuable; Two
more means of expressing joy: throwing a feast and fainting, this usually performed by ladies.
Bliss entered adjectival phrases such as:
heavenly bliss; everlasting bliss; much bliss; sweet bliss.
The emotion is a container metaphor underlying verb phrases such as lead to bliss, send to
bliss, take into bliss, bring to bliss, come to bliss, go to bliss, abide/dwell in bliss, as well as
prepositional phrases, such as in/into bliss.
This metaphor, and the up is good metaphor represented by such collocations as bliss above
and up to bliss, have become so deeply internalized in ME that bliss has begun being used as a
synonym for heaven: Fro blis that we be not exielde and to restore to bliss clearly refer to Adam and
Eve's punishment from heaven.
The joy is a commodity metaphor is represented by verb phrases such as have bliss, give
bliss, find bliss, grant bliss and get bliss. The OE phrase bliss writhen finds its continuation in King
of Bliss used in reference to Christ and God and Queen of Bliss used in reference to the Virgin.
Blithe appears in set expressions also in this genre, for instance,
Bid somebody blithe; Be blithe; Be glad and blithe; Be wroth and blithe.
The quotations from the MED suggest further causes of blithe: seeing somebody dear,
somebody's arrival, children, good news, favors and feasts. Blithe may be expressed by laughter:
pay lauged, and made hem blyðÞpe... The OE link: between gratitude for gifts and blithe is retained
as indicated in such examples as:
Of pis tybandis [grant] was he not blithe [Confessio Amantis, p.147].
The yifte [gift] of al this worldes good Ne scholde have mad hir halfso blythe [Confessio
Amantis, p.92].