Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

Exercise 26. Role-play the following situation

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T A Karpova Anglysky dlya tekhnicheskikh vuzov (1)

Exercise 26. Role-play the following situation. 
You are at the International scientific conference for the first time. You 
meet a famous American scientist there and have a talk about refineries. Use 
the scheme given below to present information about products, distillated in 
the fractioning column.

Fractioning column
Exercise 27. Complete the following sentences in a logical way.
1. The primary products of oil and gas industry are crude oil, natu-
ral gas…
2. The oil and gas industry can be classified into four processes explora-
tion, well development, production, and…
3. Exploration involves the search for rock formation, associated with…
4. Well development means the construction of one or…
5. Production is the process of extracting the hydrocarbons and se pa-
6. Site abandonment involves plugging the well and restoring site when... 
7. When drilling rig is removed then production rig…
8. In most cases tubing is installed in the well which carries…

9. At the surface a series of valves which are collectively called…
10. Pumps are added to force formation fluid to…
11. Equipment is installed to separate natural gas and liquid phases…
12. One additional step is required to stimulate the formation by…
13. Some forms of simulation are acidizing and…
14. There are two stages of turning crude oil into different usable prod-
15. The products of distillation can be divided into 4 phases: gases and light 
gasoline; light distillates, middle distillates; and residual…
16. Gases and light gasoline are methane, ethane…
17. Light distillates are naphta…
18. Middle distillates include light and heavy…
19. Residual products are further processed to produce refinery fuel, wax-

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