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Kazakh lexicography: scientific bases of

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Kazakh lexicography: scientific bases of

making up monolingual educational dictionaries

Speciality - 10.02.02-Kazakh language
The thesis is devoted to one of the newest and actual directions of native lexicography - educational lexicography, namely, research of the bases of making up small monolingual dictionaries, description of peculiarities and structure of their glossary.

Actuality of the research. In the social-cultural and linguistic space of modern Kazakhstan in teaching the state language, in mastering its lexical bases, great didactic significance, certainly, belongs to dictionaries. In this connection the problem of making up scientifically proved, competently composed and understandable to all dictionaries is very serious and actual. The actuality of this thesis research is determined by the fact, that for the first time in the Kazakh linguistics scientific - theoretical fundamentals and optimum paths of the development of small monolinguistic educational dictionaries of active type are considered. Such dictionaries would be rather useful and effective both for teaching the native language, and for compatriots, foreigners, wishing to learn the state language of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Up to the present moment research in the field of the Kazakh lexicography mainly was oriented on making up bilingual transferable dictionaries for foreign audience.

In poly-ethnic and polyconfessional Kazakhstan the state language acts as the consolidating factor, therefore, the creation of optimum conditions for its mastering is one of the primary tasks for the scientists and teachers. Insufficient working up the theoretical and practical bases of educational lexicography influences the quality of mastering language and negatively influences the process of introduction of the state language. In this connection the necessity of development of educational dictionaries of active type, in which the proportional ratio of didactic, scientific and informative intentions was taken into account, is very actual. It finally predetermines the actuality of the elaborated theme.

Object of the research - scientific - theoretical bases of creation of small monolinqual educational dictionary, oriented on the lexical basis of the Kazakh language in educational lexicography and on structural peculiarities of making up glossary.

Subject of the research. An educational lexicography representing a separate direction of lexicography - section of linguistics.

The main sources and materials As basic research material, domestic and foreign samples of small educational dictionaries, scientific works, devoted to general-theoretical and structural problems of educational lexicography have served as sources of the research. The research on the history of the Kazakh lexicography and the research generalizing practical and scientific data on creation of educational dictionaries of small type were involved.

Methodological basis of the research are the ideas of such scientists as L.V.Shcherba,V.P.Berkov, Zh.Dubua, K.Dubua, A.Rey,L.Zgusta, P.N.Denisov, V.V.Morkovkin, Yu.N.Karaulov, Sh.Sh.Sarybayev, B.K.Kaliyev, M.Malbakov, R.Tusipkalieva et others in global and native lexicography.

The purpose of the research. The main purpose of the research is the determination of the scientific - theoretical and practical bases of working up educational dictionaries for the general use, oriented on general lexical and grammatical minimum, including basic vocabulary and structural units of the vocabulary of the language; determination of the quantitative - qualitative language units included in glossary.

For solving these problems the following tasks are put in the thesis:

- To analyze the world practice in the field of educational lexicography, to sum up their general-theoretical problems;

- To generalize experience of the native scientists in the field of educational lexicography;

- To study scientific - theoretical literature covering the concept of creation of small educational dictionaries;

- To determine the structure of language units, structural words making up the lexical basis of language consciousness, general scientific basic dictionary, connected with the vocabulary of the glossary of the small dictionary;

- To determine principles of the selection of the dictionary units for glossary, to give an evaluation of their functional peculiarities.

Scientific novelty of the research. The scientific novelty of the thesis research, first of all, is predetermined by the fact, that for the first time in the Kazakh linguistics the systematic analysis of the problems of theoretical lexicography is carried out; secondly, for the first time scientific - theoretical, structural problems of the creation of small monolinguistic educational dictionaries have become the object of the research in the Kazakh language; thirdly, the problem of coverage and selection in the glossary basic vocabulary, representing the lexical basis of the Kazakh language, for the first time has become the subject of the research in the Kazakh linguistics.

Main theses which are carried out for defence:

- Instead of the terms «оқу лексикографиясы” and “оқу сөздігі”, used in the Kazakh lexicography before, the use of combinations of terms “тілүйренім лексикографиясы” and “тілүйренім сөздігі”, is more appropriate, as they reflect their contents more adequately.

- In the small educational dictionary including 4000 lexical units, the base vocabulary, representing the basic nucleus of the vocabulary of the Kazakh language should be completely covered;

- The lexical basis of the Kazakh language executes the function of invariant;

- The structural words enter into basic nucleus of the lexical fund of the Kazakh language;

- In the glossary of the monolingual educational dictionary of small type the maximum coverage of the thematically organized lexical minimum, promoting putting the lexical nucleus of language in the consciousness of the trainee should be ensured;

- In all types of the dictionary priority of didactic intension is recognized.

Theoretical significance of the research.

Systematization of the knowledge and scientific - theoretical principles of making up monolingual educational dictionaries of small type predetermines the theoretical significance of the thesis research in the Kazakh linguistics and makes an important contribution to the development of theoretical basis of the Kazakh lexicography. The theoretical positions of the research can serve as the scientific basis for creation small monolingual educational dictionaries in the country in the near future. The obtained theoretical results will promote working up the problems connected with the structure of glossary in a later time, in creation of monolingual dictionaries of small type in the Kazakh lexicography.

Practical significance of the research.

In the thesis research structural peculiarities of the creation of small monolingual educational dictionary oriented to the potential possibilities of the lexical basis of the Kazakh language are justified for the first time. This, in its turn, will promote the use of the results of the manual and guide in working up dictionaries of small type. The results of the research can be used for teaching Kazakh language for foreigners and for working up general language and branch dictionaries including lexical minimum, as appendix to text-books and manuals for teaching Kazakh language for the foreign audience, working up of branch dictionaries-minimums.

Methods of the research. In the work descriptive, comparative methods and methods of comparative-historical analysis, structural and linguistic-statistical analysis are used.

Approbation of the work. The contents and the results of the work are shown in five reports of the international and republican scientific conferences, in 12 articles and on scientific - theoretical seminars of the Institute of Linguistics under A.Baitursinov and in Shimkent’s Institute of International Kazakh-Turkish university under H.A.Yasaui.
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