Дидактические материалы для учащихся к курсу по выбору «Дебаты на русском, казахском и английском языках»

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Exercises teaching debate skills

  1. Zebra”

The idea of this game is that every player must estimate the statement,
Pointing out its positive and negative sides. For example, National Testing is good, because this kind of control can check the level of teaching
Some subjects in all the schools of RK, it can save time. But it is bad,
Because it can’t estimate the level of thinking abilities effectively.
Some ideas to discuss

  1. capital punishment 11. family planning

  2. Legalization of drugs 12. polygamy

  3. scientific progress 13. a ban of divorce

  4. making clones 14. modern cinema

  5. marriage of convenience 15. early marriages

  6. prohibition law 16. substitution maternity

  7. advertisement 17. diet

  8. mass media 18. professional sport

  9. vegetarianism 19. euthanasia

  10. female emancipation

  1. The chain of disproofs”

The students listen to the statement and the first player disproves it. The second player protects it. The third player disproves it, etc. till the point when the players begin to repeat themselves.
Possible statements

  1. Juvenile delinquents must be punished as adult criminals.

  2. It is necessary to use corporal punishment at school.

  3. Stray animals must be destroyed.

  4. Woman in our society is more important than man.

  5. It is necessary to include religion into school curricula.

  6. It is necessary to ban production and sale of alcohol drinks.

  7. Prostitution must be legalized.

  8. Advertising is not ethic.

  1. Preconceived reading”

All the participants are divided into 2 groups – affirmative and negative. These groups read the text according to their position trying to find necessary information, analyzing it and using it in their favour.
Then the groups present orally the read material.

  1. Yes-No-Don’t know”

  1. React the statement choosing one of the answers and

taking a certain place in the classroom. As a result we have 3 groups which have different opinions on the question.

  1. The representatives of these groups must prove their opinion.

  2. You can join other groups if your opinionchange influenced by the speech of other participants.

Possible statements for discussion

  1. It is necessary to try everything in life.

  2. You can do everything if you love.

  3. It is too early to read Dostoevsky at school.

  4. Going to school must be voluntary.

  5. There is no friendship between women.

  6. Judge is always wrong.

  7. It is pleasant to be an excellent student.

  8. Children always oppose to their parents.

  9. Genius and evil are absolutely different.

  10. Cowardice can be excused.

  11. Every person builds his life himself.

  12. Money doesn’t smell.

  13. It is terrible to live.

  14. Men must serve in the army.

  1. Written debate”

All the participants must be divided into 2 groups: an affirmative and negative group. It is more suitable for groups to sit opposite each other. Both groups must write their ideas on sheets of paper during 5 minutes. First the affirmative team writes the first argument and gives proofs. The opponent team reads the argument, answers it and gives their argument, supporting it with proofs. It continues till the time is up. As a result teams find the best argument of the opponent team. At the end they give oral presentation of their ideas.

  1. Tell me”

Students work in pairs. Pairs are given topics of their speech and the limit of time. One of the students is to express his opinion on the topic; the second participant listens to the speaker attentively and then analyses his speech skills pointing out speech mistakes and estimating it.

  1. Stock-taking of skills”

  1. Write down 3 skills which, from your point of view, can help you to become good speakers.

  2. Share your ideas with other participants.

  1. Rewriting fairy-tales”

Analyze the problem from another point of view. For example, the situation from the fairy-tale can be rewritten from the opinion of a negative character.
Possible examples
A tale about Little Red Riding Hood, told by Wolf
A tale about Kolobok, told by Fox
A tale about White Snow, told by a Wicked Queen.

  1. Guess who you are”

Play in pairs. The name of a famous person (a politician, a writer, a book character) is put on the back of one student. The second student knows this name and he is to answer his questions. Questions must be closed (yes/no). It is better to ask as few questions as possible.

  1. Pedagogical slalom”

The participants of this game imagine that they are in a public place (town banya, railway station, school, supermarket).One student becomes a headmaster of this institution. According to the rules of the game, he is hurrying to the meeting. The rest of the students have come to ask him questions, he has to solve urgent problems during a short period of time.

  1. Debate reporter”

  1. Be reporters of the game you see.

  2. Write down 5 things that winners do best of all.

  3. Your essays are published.

Каталог: images
images -> 6 Хромтау гимназиясы тәрбие жұмысының жылдық жұмыс жоспары Азаматтық-патриоттық, құқықтық және полимәдениеттік тәрбие
images -> БАҒдарламасы қазақ филологиясы кафедрасы Орал-2014
images -> БАҒдарламасы қазақ филологиясы кафедрасы Орал-2014
images -> АҚПараттық хат қҰрметті әріптестер!
images -> Абай Құнанбайұлы (1845—1904)
images -> Автобиография кандидата в депутаты районного маслихата по избирательному округу №5
images -> «Қазақстан тарихы» пәнінен «6М020300-тарих» мамандығына арналған жазбаша емтихан сұрақтары 1 блок
images -> Мазмұны Қазақстандағы жоғары білім, Ғылым және МӘдениет
images -> Үлгілік оқу жоспары
images -> Сембі Жансая Хасанқызы Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті

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