II. Дайте відповіді на наступні питання:
What are the most known diseases of childhood?
What are the signs and symptoms of measles?
What are Rubella’s clinical symptoms?
What are the mumps symptoms?
When are children immunized by MMR vaccine and when is the second dose usually given?
III. Розкрийте поняття: дитячі інфекційні захворювання
1. Infectious diseases are a group of diseases which are caused by …
a) drugs b) inflammations c) viruses d) literature e) religion
2. Droplet transmission is also known as …
a) blood transmission b) the respiratory route c) fecal-oral transmission
d) oral transmission e) Sexual transmission
3. Infectious diseases can be spread … a variety of ways.
a) in b) by c) on d) to e) with
4. The most common way of transmission for childhood infectious diseases is …
a) blood transmission b) the respiratory route c) fecal-droplet transmission
d) oral transmission e) Sexual transmission
5. Prodromal symptoms appear … than the characteristic features.
a) later b) sooner c) earlier d) after e) before
6 Abdominal infectious diseases may cause … .
a) hepatitis A b) gastritis c) chicken pox d) diarrhea e) appendicitis
7. Many infectious diseases are accompanied by … .
a) bleeding b) aging c) overweight d) belching e) rash
8. An artificial immunity results from… .
a) lactic acid b) toxic bacteria c) the prophylactic vaccination
d) sugar e) microbes
9 Disease that can be passed via the fecal-oral route is… .
a) tuberculosis b) hepatitis A c) the plague
d) kidney failure e) pneumonia
10. Disease as … has been stamped out in our country.
a) tuberculosis b) hepatitis A c) the plague
d) kidney failure e) pneumonia
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