English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 6. Answer the questions

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Exercise 6. Answer the questions:

  1. What are the most known diseases of childhood?

  2. What are the signs and symptoms of measles?

  3. What are Rubella’s clinical symptoms?

  4. What are the mumps symptoms?

  5. When are children immunized by MMR vaccine and when is the second dose usually given?

  6. What are the symptoms of whooping cough?

  7. What can you tell about chickenpox?

  8. What do you know about exciter of scarlet fever?

Exercise 7. Find corresponding equivalents in the text:
Найбільш відомі захворювання; кашлюк та скарлатина; вдих; інфекційний; доки не зникне висип; простуда; уникнути захворювання; бути викликаним вірусом; свинка та краснуха; відчуття загального дискомфорту; заразитися; вражати дихальний тракт; досить рідкісний; розриватися; видихати; оперізуючий лишай; втома, втомлюваність; хрипота; зазвичай починається несподівано; досить рідко; вдихати інфіковані крапельки в повітрі.

Exercise 8. Match the first name of the disease with the second one:







infectious parotitis




acute laryngotracheitis



scarlet fever


whooping cough


german measles

Exercise 9. Read the following statements. Agree or contradict them:

  1. Many of the most known diseases of childhood are highly infectious diseases that can be passed easily from person to person.

  2. Measles, also known as three-day measles that caused by the streptococcal bacteria.

  3. Rubella infection during the first trimester of pregnancy can cause fetal death.

  4. Mumps is a childhood disease, but it can’t occur in adults.

  5. Children become immunized firstly by MMR vaccine between the ages of four and five.

  6. Whooping cough starts on the face and spreads to the rest of the body.

  7. Chickenpox was once a common, serious childhood illness but now is quite rare.

  8. Fever, weakness, and red, itchy rash are the signs of scarlet fever.

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