Exercise 6. Translate the following word combinations into English: Критична точка; недостатня циркуляція; травматичні поранення; порівняно повільний процес; збиратися під шкірою; розпадатися на складові частини; розривати тканину; забите місце; синець; пошкоджувати кров’яні судини; небезпечні рани; розповсюджуватися локально.
Exercise 7.Choose one or more words from list B to modify the verbs from list A so as to make sense. Translate the word combinations into the native language: List A: to cause; to refer to; to damage; to be caused by; to appear; to be misused; to collect; to be applied; to scrape off; to be referred to ; to lead to; to hit; to spread.
List B: the topmost layer of the skin ; a critical point; as a "through-and-through; tissue damage; over a long period of time; the dermis; locally; a clean, sharp-edged object; under the skin; in reference to incisions; a contusion; a sharp injury; linear (regular) or stellate.
Exercise 8. Find the appropriate sentence endings: Incisions or incised wounds, caused by…
Contusions, more commonly known as …
Lacerations, irregular tear-like wounds caused by …
Abrasions (grazes), superficial wounds in which the topmost layer of the skin (the epidermis)…