Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:
hygiene [`haid3i:n]
emphasize [`emfəsaiz]
pamphlet [`pǽmplit]
dietary [`daiətri]
plaque [pla:k]
detergent [di`tə:d3ənt]
encourage [in`karid3]
debris [`deibri:]
gingivitis [d3ind3i`vaitis]
fluoridation [fluəri`dei∫ən]
Exercise 2. Learn the following words:
inspection огляд
heed враховувати
chair-side крісло
cancel анулювати
dye фарбувати
warn попереджати, запобігати
resistance стійкість, опір
benefit користь
rinse полоскати
disclosing tablet виявляюча таблетка
suck смоктати (таблетку)
dietary харчування
detergent очищувальний
debris харчові залишки
Exercise 3. Form verbs from the following nouns. Translate them:
Inspection, instruction, reminder, explanation, demonstration, combination, replacement, prevention, detection, requirement, treatment, restoration, extraction, addition
Exercise 4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the underlined words:
The beneficial effect of cleaning teeth after meals is cancelled out if food debris is replaced by frequent snacks between meals. The patients should be warned against snacks between meals. Either some fruit should be taken instead or snacks stopped.
Exercise 5. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Passive Voice:
This information mustn’t be ignored.
Complete clinical history and physical examination are followed by administration of a proper treatment.
A severe attack of influenza was followed by pneumonia.
The severity of heart attack can be evaluated using this monitor without a cardiologist.
Thirteen cases were included in the review.
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