English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 8. Answer the following questions

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Exercise 8. Answer the following questions:
1. What is tetanus caused by?
2. What examinations are necessary to diagnose tetanus?
3. What is the incubation period of tetanus?
4. What are the symptoms of tetanus?
5. When does a tonic spasm of masticating muscles occur?
6. How can you describe such typical facial expression known Risus Sardonicus?
7. When are the changes of recovery greatly improved?
8. How does Bacillus tetani gain entrance into the body?

Exercise 9. Translate the following word combinations:
Cупроводжуватися сильним болем; спазм жувальних м`язів; проникати крізь рану; характерна картина хвороби; поступово зменшуватися по частоті та важкості; інкубаційний період хвороби; міцно стиснуті зуби; пік хвороби; сардонічний сміх; сильнодіюча отрута; виробляти сильнодіючі токсини; видалити відмерлу тканину з рани; погіршувати роботу моторних нейронів.

Exercise 10. Match medical terms with the proper definitions:

1. tetanus
2. tetani
3. toxin
4. urination
5. spasm
6. trismus

a) Spasm of the jaw muscles, keeping the jaw tightly closed.
b) An acute infectious disease, affecting the nervous system, caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani.
c) The periodic discharge of urine from the bladder through the urethra.
d) Spasm and twitching of the muscles, particularly those of the face, hands, and feet.
e) A poison produced by a living organism, especially by a bacterium.
f) A sustained involuntary muscular contraction, which may occur either as part of a generalized disorder, such as a spastic paralysis, or as a local response to an otherwise unconnected painful condition.

Exercise 11. Complete the following sentences using the text:
1. Tetanus is an acute infectious disease characterized by … .
2. Severe headache, difficulty in urination, and sweating … .
3. The patient is unable to open his mouth, producing the … .
4. Gradually all muscles of the body become … of the forearm and of the hand.
5. … there occurs the typical facial expression known as risus sardonicus.
6. The body … known as opisthotonus.
7. The patient may be …during the attacks.
8. Death may ensue within … after onset.

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