English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 6. Answer the questions

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пособие мед 2 (1) 2

Exercise 6. Answer the questions:
1. What is diphtheria caused by?
2. Is it contagious disease?
3. What is the disease characterized by?
4. Where is diphtheria more common?
5. Who is more liable to diphtheria?
6. What is the incubation period of the disease?
7. What are the main forms of diphtheria?
8. What are its main symptoms?
9. What are its main complications?
10.What does the outcome of the disease depend on?

Exercise 7. Match the following English word combinations with Russian ones:

  1. absorbed by blood stream

  1. розповсюджуватись при прямому контактi

  1. produce deleterious effect on

  1. раптовий початок

  1. spread by direct contact

  1. всмоктуватися кровотоком

  1. put in an appearance

  1. виробляти шкiдливу дiю на

  1. healthy carrier

  1. по розположенню

  1. according to the distribution

  1. з’явитися ненадовго

  1. insidious onset

  1. здоровий носiй

  1. affect the soft palate and throat

  1. бути бiльш схильним до дифтерii

  1. a slight feeling of uneasiness

  1. вражати м’яке пiднебiння та горло

  1. to be more liable to diphtheria

  1. легке вiдчуття дискомфорту в горлi

Exercise 8. Match the words with their definitions:

  1. throat

a) very tiny living things which may cause diseases or infections

  1. incubation period

b) a poisonous substance produced within living cells or organisms

  1. toxin

c) the passage from the back of your mouth to the top of the tubes that go down to your lungs and stomach

  1. bacteria

d) a way in which parts of the body react to disease or injury

  1. inflammation

e) the time from the moment of exposure to an infectious agent until signs and symptoms of the disease appear

Exercise 9. Find the equivalents of the following word combinations in the text:
Гoстре інфекційне захворювання, місцеве запалення, всмоктуватися кровотоком, слизова оболонка, шкідливий вплив, у всьому світі, поширюватися при безпосередньому контакті, здоровий носій, бути більш схильним, найздоровіші (міцні) люди, бути особливо схильним, з'являтися ненадовго, відкласти призначення, принаймні, початок захворювання.

Exercise 10. Give English equivalents to the words in braсkets:
1. Diphtheria is an (гoстре інфекційне) disease.
2. It is characterized by (місцевим запаленням) with fibrin formation of the (слизовоi оболонки) of the (верхнiх дихальних щляхiв).
3. The disease exists (по всьому свiтi) but is more common (в помiрнних зонах).
4. It is commonly spread (при прямому контактi).
5. Сhildren appear to be (бiльш схильними) to diphtheria than (дорослi).
6. Most (міцні) people may be (iнфiкованi) and those whose health is weakened by any cause are especially (схильнi).
7. The earliest objective (проявлення) of the disease is the formation of (тонкоi плiвки на мигдалинах).
8. If the pseudomembrane is forcibly removed, it leaves (свiжу кровоточиву) surface.
9. (Результат захворювання) depends largely on one factor, namely, (назначення вiдповiдноi дози антитоксина).
10. Patients suffering from diphtheria should be (изольованi) for at least two weeks after (початку захворювания).

Exercise 11. Fill in the articles where necessary:

  1. The old man was seriously ill. He was running … high temperature.

  2. I’ve … bad cold in … head. I must have caught … cold yesterday when I ran out into … yard without … cap on.

  3. She overworked and had … bad headache. People who do not get enough … sleep often have … headaches.

  4. I have only … slight headache. No pills for me, thank you.

  5. I have … splitting headache and … bad cold in … head. I must have caught … cold. I am afraid I shall fall ill with … flu.

  6. I have … sore throat. I feel … pain in my side. – You must stay in … bed and call … doctor in.

  7. Take … table spoonful of … mixture twice … day after … meals.

  8. I had … bad cold. I went to bed and drank … cup of hot tea with raspberry jam. It helped to beat down … temperature.

  9. … weather was bad yesterday. I must have caught … cold when I was going … home from … work.

  10. He stayed at … home and called … doctor in. … doctor diagnosed … case and prescribed him … medicine.

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