II. Дайте відповідь на наступні питання: What tumor lacks the ability to invade neighboring tissue or metastasize?
What is the main difference between benign and malignant tumors?
What consequences may a “mass effect” due to the growth of benign tumors produce?
What are the most effective approaches in treating benign tumors?
What are the most common screening methods for various tumors?
III. Розкрийте поняття:доброякісні пухлини
Test A benign tumor is a mass of cells that lacks the ability …. neighboring tissue or metastasize.
a)invades b)invade c)to invade d)invaded e)invading
Also, benign tumors generally have a … growth rate than malignant tumors.
a) slower b) slow c) slowest d) more slow e) the most slowest
Benign tumors are typically surrounded … an outer surface or remain with the epithelium.
a) by b) on c) for d) from e) out
Although benign tumors will not metastasize or locally invade tissues, some types may still … negative health effects.
a) reduce b) reveal c) develop d) produce e) confuse
Many types of benign tumors have the potential to become cancerous (malignant) through a process known as … .
a) tumour regression b) tumour collection c) tumour reduction
d) tumour pressure e) tuour progression
… is usually the most effective approach and is used to treat most benign tumors.
a) therapy b) surgery c) cryotheraty d) radiation e) chemotherapy
To prevent the development of any tumors we should undergo systematic … in order to detect small irregularities or tumors as early as possible.
a) enquiring b) monitoring c) X-ray examining
d) screening e) imagining
The scrapping of the skin or internal surface of an organ or body cavity by means of a spoon-shaped instrument(curette) usually to remove diseased tissue or to obtain a specimen for diagnostic purposes is called as … .
a) massage b) visage c) curettage d) heritage e) collage
A blemish or new growth on skin formed before birth, usually brown or dark red is called as … .
a) wart b) verruca c) nevus d) birthmark e) acne
Adenomas of the rectum may be treated with … , a treatment in which chemicals are used to shrink blood vessels in order to cut off the blood supply.
a) chemotherapy b) cryotheraty c) thermotherapy
d) sclerotherapy e) radiotherapy