English for medical students посібник з англійської мови

Exercise 11. a) Read about fears and phobias in famous people and tell about other similar facts you’ve heard

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Exercise 11. a) Read about fears and phobias in famous people and tell about other similar facts you’ve heard:
George Washington, the first president of the United States of America, had a very serious fear of premature burial. This was clearly expressed on his deathbed, in 1799, where he made his attendants promise that his body would be left out for two days, in case he was still alive.
Woody Allen has taken fear to an extreme. The 74-year-old actor and screenwriter is afraid of practically everything. Although he has normal phobias that cause him to fear heights, enclosed spaces and insects, he also has more abnormal fears. Among his weirder terrors are fears of bright colours, animals, elevators and peanut butter sticking to the roof of his mouth!
Alfred Hitchcock, a famous Hollywood director and producer, had an extreme fear of eggs. He said that they are revolting (вызывают отвращение) to him! He stated that he never tasted an egg in his whole life, and he refused to even be around them.
Madonna’s always been a fearless femme fatale in our eyes. But even kickboxing, leather corset-wearing megastars are afraid of thunderstorms: Madonna is apparently a sufferer of brontophobia, the fear of thunder.

b) Make up sentences using the words in the right order:
1) Jennifer Aniston, all, a fear, Michael Jackson, and, Whoopi Goldberg, have, of flying.
2) The, excessive, 34th, of, had, an, president, fear of hospitals, the United States, Richard Nixon.
3) the, Orlando Bloom, a, phobia, strange, actor, has, British, pigs, fear, of, the.
4) feared, Sigmund Freud, who, the, neurologist, founded, the, school, psychoanalyst, ferns (папоротники),of, psychiatry.

Exercise 12. Translate into English:
1. Однією з причин неврозів є внутрішні та зовнішні конфлікти людини.
2. Павлов характеризував невроз як хронічне захворювання з порушенням нервової діяльності.
3. Пацієнт скаржиться на дратівливість, слабкість та швидку втомлюваність з минулого тижня.
4. Невротична депресія проявляється пригніченим настроєм і песимістичними поглядами на майбутнє.
5. Відомо, що уникнення стресових ситуацій є одним із способів лікування неврозу.
6. Антидепресанти повинен підбирати лікар в залежності від його ефективності для даних симптомів неврозу.
7. Транквілізатори призначають в мінімальних дозах, щоб уникнути залежності.
8. Доведено, що когнітивно-поведінкова терапія є найефективнішим лікуванням неврозів.

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