Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary:
alternative, adj
[ɔ:l 'tə:nativ]
перемінний, змінний
angina, n
[æn 'ʤаɪnə]
стенокардія, грудна "жаба"
angiogram, n
ангіограма (рентгенограма після ангіографії)
atherosclerosis, n
[æθərəusklə(ɪə) 'rəusis]
bypass, n
обхід, шунтування
cholesterol, n
[kə 'lestərɔl]
electrocardiography, n
[ɪ 'lɛktrəʊ 'kɑ:dɪəʊɡrɑ:(æ)fɪ]
hypercholesterolaemia, n
[haɪpəkəlɛstərɒ 'li:mɪə]
підвищений вміст холестерину в крові
hyperlipidaemia, n
[ˎhaɪpəˎlɪpɪ 'di:mɪə]
підвищений вміст жирів у крові
ischaemic, adj
[ɪ 'ski:mik]
percutaneous, adj
[pə:kju 'teiniəs]
scintigraphy, n
[sɪn 'tɪɡrəfɪ]
sequential, adj
[si 'kwenʃəl]
послідовний, неперервний
Exercise 2. Read and learn the following word combinations. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:
reduced blood supply - зменшене кровопостачання
As the existing cholesterol plaque decreases the lumen of the blood vessel, the person may experience reduced blood supply to the heart and complain of oppression behind the sternum.
decreased tolerance - знижена переносимість
Unfortunately, the patient didn't express decreased tolerance to lidocaine and was transferred to the intensive care unit.
rapidly worsening - той, який швидко погіршується
All the surgical procedures had been performed, the patient's condition was rapidly worsening.
coronary bypass surgery - шунтування коронарних судин
Coronary bypass surgery is a surgical procedure performed to relieve angina and reduce the risk of death from coronary artery disease.
assessment of the risk – оцінювання ризику
The ability of accurate risk assessment is a guarantee of successful treatment of the patient.
predictable level - рівень, який можливо передбачати
Unfortunately, his blood creatinine increased over the predictable level and the specialists didn't react as quickly as they should.
admission to the hospital - госпіталізація
On admission to the hospital the patient didn't exhibit any vitally dangerous signs.
irregularity in the heart rate –нерегулярність ритму серця
Heart palpitations are referred to the irregularities in the heart rate.
Exercise 3. Match the following terms with their definitions:
transthoracic interpretation of the electrical activity of the heart over time captured and externally recorded by skin electrodes
feeling of oppression on the heart caused by insufficient oxygen supply of the heart muscle
pertaining to the heart
visualization of the lumen of blood vessels and organs of the body
angina pectoris
inability of the heart to supply sufficient blood flow
myocardial infarction
necrosis of the myocardium lack due to of oxygen
heart failure
a surgical technique for restoring normal blood flow through an artery narrowed or blocked by atherosclerosis, either by inserting a balloon into the narrowed section and inflating it or by using a laser beam
fat that may be deposited on the blood vessel walls
abnormal electrical activity in the heart
Exercise 4. Match the following Ukrainian word combinations with the English ones:
to increase with age
знижена переносимість
stable ischaemic heart disease
припинення паління
rapidly worsening angina
наступні проблеми
on exertion
відділення невідкладної допомоги
following problems
недостатнє кровопостачання
weakness of the muscle
готовність пацієнта до хірургічного втручання
insufficient blood supply
зростати з віком
to induce the symptoms
стенокардія, що раптово погіршується
suitability for surgery
при навантаженні
emergency department
стабільна ішемічна хвороба серця
cessation of smoking
викликати симптоми
decreased tolerance
слабкість м'язу
Exercise 5. Read and translate the text:
Ischaemic heart disease (IHD), or myocardial ischaemia, is a disease characterized by ischaemia (reduced blood supply) of the heart muscle, usually due to coronary artery disease (atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries). Its risk increases with age, smoking, hypercholesterolaemia (high cholesterol levels), diabetes, and hypertension (high blood pressure), and is more common in men and those who have close relatives with ischaemic heart disease.
Symptoms of stable ischaemic heart disease include angina (characteristic chest pain on exertion) and decreased exercise tolerance. Unstable IHD presents itself as chest pain or other symptoms at rest or rapidly worsening angina. Diagnosis of IHD is performed using data of an electrocardiogram, blood tests (cardiac markers), cardiac stress testing or a coronary angiogram. Depending on the symptoms and risk, treatment may be with medication, percutaneous coronary intervention (angioplasty) or coronary artery bypass surgery (CABS).
The medical history distinguishes between various alternative causes for chest pain (such as dyspepsia, musculoskeletal pain, pulmonary embolism). As part of an assessment of the three main presentations of IHD, risk factors are addressed. These are the main causes of atherosclerosis (the disease process underlying IHD): age, male sex, hyperlipidaemia (high cholesterol and high fats in the blood), smoking, hypertension (high blood pressure), diabetes, and the family history.
Ischaemic heart disease may be present with any of the following problems: angina pectoris (chest pain on exertion, in cold weather or emotional situations); acute chest pain: acute coronary syndrome, unstable angina or myocardial infarction ("heart attack", severe chest pain unrelieved by rest associated with evidence of acute heart damage) and heart failure (difficulty in breathing or swelling of the extremities due to weakness of the heart muscle).
In "stable" angina, chest pain with typical features occurring at predictable levels of exertion, various forms of cardiac stress tests may be used to induce both symptoms and detect changes by way of electrocardiography (using an ECG), echocardiography (using ultrasound of the heart) or scintigraphy (using uptake of radionuclide by the heart muscle). If part of the heart seems to receive an insufficient blood supply, coronary angiography may be used to identify stenosis of the coronary arteries and suitability for angioplasty or bypass surgery.
Diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome generally takes place in the emergency department, where ECGs may be performed sequentially to identify "evolving changes" (indicating ongoing damage to the heart muscle). This process usually necessitates admission to hospital, and close observation on a coronary care unit for possible complications (such as cardiac arrhythmias - irregularities in the heart rate).
Various treatments are offered in people deemed to be at high risk of coronary artery disease. These include control of cholesterol levels in those with known high cholesterol, smoking cessation, and control of high blood pressure. In stable IHD, antianginal drugs may be used to reduce the rate of occurrence and severity of angina attacks. Revascularization for acute coronary syndrome has a significant mortality benefit. Recent evidence suggests that revascularization for stable ischaemic heart disease may also confer a mortality benefit over medical therapy alone.
Treatment of coronary artery disease includes addressing "modifiable" risk factors. This includes suppression of cholesterol (usually with statins), even in those with statistically normal cholesterol levels, control of blood pressure, blood sugars (if diabetic), regular exercise and a healthy diet. Smokers are encouraged to stop smoking.
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