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This paper is an attempt to consider historical processes in Eastern European
desert-steppe zone in
the Bronze Age in the context of correlation between the economic pattern and the changing environ-
ment. Geographically the study is confined to the southern part of the Volgograd oblast, almost the en-
tire Republic of Kalmykia, the eastern districts of the Stavropol Region and the northeastern districts
of the Republic of Daghestan, and chronologically
to the late Middle Bronze Age, the post-Catacomb
period and the early Late Bronze Age. Up to now palaeoecological reconstructions have not been tak-
ing into account the influence of the variation of annual precipitation on the economy of early societies.
A conjugate analysis of the evolution of the Bronze Age cultures and the dynamics of the environment
enabled us to ascertain that the survival of early pastoralists in the desert-steppe zone depended primar-
ily on climate conditions of the cold period, i.e. on the amount and forms of winter precipitation. The
increasing climate aridity in the desert-steppe zone around the turn of the 2
millennium BC was due
to the intensification of the winter anticyclone having led to the contraction
of the volume of precipita-
tion in the cold year period. In these conditions cold dry weather with a thin snow layer or its total lack
particularly suitable for winter grazing sets in. It was against such a climatic background that the Lola
The Institute of Physical-chemical and Biological Problems of Pedology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino,
Russia (avborisovv@gmail.com)
** The Institute of Archaeology RAS, Moscow, Russia (mimokhod@gmail.com)
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