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к концу»
Confirmation of the fact that this is an autobiographical novel, we see in the frequent appeal of the heroine to dates, clarifications of time.
In the original text of the work there is a large number of explanations in the form of exact dates or simple designations of the time of day or time of year.
The novel begins with the following words: "There was no possibility of taking a walk that day» (не было возможности предпринять прогулку в тот день). Then the heroine leads months: "November, December, and half of January passed away" and etc. (ноябрь, декабрь и половина января прошли). Note that all such explanations and clarifications are given in both translations in full. To varying degrees, the 1901 translation also preserves this feature of the narrative. It can be concluded that the entire narrative in the novel can be a written text, namely an autobiographical novel. All three translations, despite some digressions, convey this narrative feature of the original text.
In my opinion, the next aspect important for the structure of the narrative of the novel is the element of autobiography. Despite the fact that traditionally the autobiographical aspect refers more to the content side of the text, in the case of the work of Ch.Bronte, we refer it to the narrative aspect.
Having a talent for drawing, Ch.Bronte gives this talent to the main character – in my opinion, this is a manifestation of autobiography in the novel. On this basis, the text of the novel includes detailed descriptions of paintings made with the professionalism of the artist, which is already the most directly related to the peculiarities of the narrative structure of the novel. In Chapter 13, Jane describes her paintings, not just conveying the beauty of landscapes, but paying attention to professional artistic techniques. Here are some examples of such descriptions: "These pictures were in water-colours. <...> all the distance was in eclipse; so, too, was the foreground..." (эти картины были в акварели. Все пространство было в затмении/мраке так же, как и передний план).
«…A gold bracelet set with gems, that I had touched with as brilliant tints as my palette could yield, and as glittering distinctness as my pencil could impart» (золотой браслет, украшенный драгоценными камнями, который я

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