0512000 «Translating Studies» «Theory and Practice of Translation» Subject COURSE WORK Title: Translation and themes of English Literature by Female Authors
Топ: 3B-1
Орындаған: Өнербек Аяулым Бахтыбекқызы
Жетекші: Туленбаева Арайлым
Бағасы: ____________
Table of Contents Introduction……………………………………………………………………….3
I. Themes and a brief description of British literature by female authors………………………………………...........……..…..………………........4
II. Analysis of evolution and translation of British literature written by women………………………………………...........……………………………....5
2.1 Evolution of English literature by female authors
2.2Analysing an example and comparisons of the translations of works
III. Errors in translation of major works: Find out how they happen and Fix the issue………………………………………………………….....…………...….…17