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Text 3. Artificial intelligence will kill our grandchildren

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Text 3. Artificial intelligence will kill our grandchildren





Collocations, derivatives, etc.

Academic degree

a degree students are awarded upon the completion of a credit course

an ~; confer an ~ on sb; award an ~ to sb;
a ~ -holder; honorary ~;
syn. title

Academic calendar

a full schedule of all the academic hours, University events and activities to be attended by the students

on the ~

Academic integrity

academic honesty

ensure ~;
ant. plagiarism

Academic term

a 15-week semester

fall/spring ~; throughout the ~

Academic transcript

written record of a student’s academic performance; official and unofficial transcripts may be obtained by contacting the Registrar

Academic hour

a 50 minute class

Add/drop period

a period, usually the first week of a term, for students to choose subjects for study from the faculty curriculum

Academic program

a set of courses to be taken for earning an academic degree

complete/enter/take an ~; on the ~

Advisor (n)

a teacher/professor who advises students in educational matters

act as an ~; perform the duties of an ~

Alumnus (n)

former student of a university

an ~ of; the alumnus of the year award; pl. alumni; alumni relations/ office/ foundation

Baccalaureate (n)

a program of study for the first academic degree

enter/take a ~ program

Bachelor (n)

a person whom the Bachelor degree is awarded to

BA (Bachelor of Arts), BSc (Bachelor of Sciences)

Commencement (n)

an academic procedure in which diplomas are conferred

~ speech/date/procedure

Credit (n)

a) official certification of successfully completing a course of study; b) a unit of study so certified

earn a ~; ~ hours; receive full ~ for his studies; carry (three) ~s (about a course)

Credit system of education

an educational system based on self-study, creative thinking methods, academic freedom and credit accumulation as the requisite for a degree

institute/introduce the ~

Core subjects

subjects obligatory for study

Cum laude

with honors; with academic distinction

a ~ graduate

Curriculum (n)

a document with a full list of obligatory and elective disciplines to be completed and the number of credits to be earned by students to be awarded an academic degree in this or that science field

~ design/demands/ development; be on the ~; undergraduate/university ~; pl. curricula; curricular (adj)): a cross-~ approach/ project/link

Dean (n)

the head of a division, faculty, college or school of a university

the ~’s office

Drop in (v)

visit sb informally and spontaneously

~ at some place

Drop out (v)

leave school or some other academic program before completing it

a dropout (n);
syn. withdraw

Enroll (v)

become or make sb a student on a course

~ sb in/on sth; ~ in a program/classes; enrollment (n); syn. intake

Elective (n)

courses that students may choose to study to complement their major

an ~ course; do/choose/offer an ~

(Grade Point Average)

the numerical designation of a grade multiplied by the number of credits the course is assigned

calculate the ~

Graduate (v)

complete one’s course of university studies

~ from a university; (under) ~ program; graduate (n)

Handout (n)

hard copies for study purposes that contain supplementary materials for class and self-study work

develop/distribute ~s

Incomplete (n)

grade received when a student is unable to complete coursework due to extenuating circumstances

get an ~

Initiation (n)

ceremony by which a person is introduced into any society

fraternity ~ procedure

Major (n)

the subject area leading to a degree or certificate in which a student chooses to concentrate his/her academic work

choose a ~; major in (v); ant. minor

Make up exam

an exam postponed for a later period

take/pass/fail in ~

Mid-term Exam

a test of students’ progress in the middle of a term

Retake (n)

a repeated course in case a student failed an exam

~ an exam/a test


a requirement by which students have to complete a study of a specific subject before or after another specified course starts

a ~ for/to/of;
a necessary ~

Proctor (n)

a teacher who observes an exam

act as a ~; proctor (v); syn. invigilator

Registrar (n)

the chief administrative officer in a university

office of ~;
submit sth to the ~

Scholarship (n)

a non-repayable award to an eligible student based upon academic achievement and determined financial need or, in some cases, based upon academic achievement alone

win/gain/get/lose/be awarded a ~ to the university;
syn. grant

Student (n)

any undergraduate student enrolled in the university who is carrying a course load of 12 or more hours per semester

full-time/correspondence ~

Syllabus (n)

the program which briefly describes the subject course

~ for; be on the ~; follow the ~; ~ requirements;
pl. syllabi

Tutor (n)

a teacher who guards, protects, watches over, or has the care of students

act as a ~; tutor in sth (v); tutorial (n)

Tuition (n)

teaching, instruction

~ fee; the language of ~

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