Кандидат филологических наук, доцент Казну т. Т

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Choose the right answer:
1. A document with a full list of obligatory and elective disciplines to be completed and the number of credits to be earned by students is called a _____.
a) syllabus b) transcript c) curriculum d) curricula
2. Written record of a student’s academic performance obtained from the Registrar is called a _____. a) syllabus b) transcript c) curriculum d) syllabi
3. The program which lists the subject title, its brief description is called a _____.
a) syllabus b) transcript c) curriculum d) curricula
4. The subject obligatory for study is called a/n_____.
a) major b) minor c) elective d) core
5. A teacher who guards, protects, watches over, or has the care of students is called a/n _____. a) tutor b) teacher c) advisor d) proctor
6. A teacher who observes an exam is called a _____.
a) tutor b) teacher c) dean d) proctor
7. Head of a division, faculty, college or school of a university is called a _____.
a) tutor b) teacher c) dean d) proctor
8. A secondary field of academic concentration or specialization is called a _____.
a) major b) minor c) elective d) core
9. The subject area leading to a degree or certificate in which a student chooses to concentrate his/her academic work is called a _____.
a) major b) minor c) elective d) core
10. A course that students may choose to study to complement their major, to build valuable skills, and to add variety to their schedule is called a _____.
a) major b) minor c) elective d) core
11. Visiting a class informally and spontaneously is called dropping _____.
a) off b) in c) out d) at
12. Leaving school or some other academic program before completing it is called dropping _____. a) off b) in c) out d) at
13. When do you expect to graduate _____ the university?
a) – b) from c) by d) in
14. “Drop out” is synonymous to the verb:
a) fall b) withdraw c) attend d) fail
15. An exam postponed for a later period is referred to as a _____.
a) retake b) make up c) sit over d) stand-apart
16. You can expect all of these from an excellent student EXCEPT for:
a) graduating with honors b) graduating with academic distinction
c) incomplete graduation d) cum laude graduation
17. Credit accumulation is a qualitative indicator of a student’s academic achievements and a _____ for a degree.
a) requisite b) prerequisite c) post-requisite d) prorequisite
18. A requirement by which students have to complete a study of a specific subject before another specified course starts may be termed as a _____.
a) requisite b) prerequisite c) post-requisite d) prorequisite
19. A requirement by which students have to take a specified course after completing the current one may be termed as a _____.
a) requisite b) prerequisite c) post-requisite d) prorequisite
20. Payment made for studying in a university is referred to as _____ fee.
a) tuition b) study c) scholarship d) grant

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