М. З. Изотов философия ғылымдарының докторы, доцент

Information about the Institute for Philosophy, Political

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Қазақтардың рухани әлемі әл-Фарабиден Абайға дейін

Information about the Institute for Philosophy, Political
Science and Religion Studies of Committee Science of the
Ministry of Education and Science оf the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Institute was established in February 1999 on the base of the Institute 
for Philosophy and Law which established in 1958, that renamed to the 
Institute for Philosophy in 1991. By the Kazakhstan Government’s resolution, 
the Institute was renamed to Institute for Philosophy, Political Sciences and 
Religion Studies in 31 May 2012.
The main objectives of the Institute as a public research institution are 
conducting the philosophical view of the world, philosophicalmethodological, 
political, religious studies and sociological studies aimed at social-cultural and 
sociopolitical development and strengthening the independence of Republic 
of Kazakhstan, developing its intellectual and spiritual-moral potential.
Institute for Philosophy, Political Sciences and Religion Studies is a 
highly skilled scientific research center. Institute has three key directions 
that define its structure: philosophy, political sciences and religion studies. 
Currently, scientific projects are conducted by 1 academician, 2 correspondent 
members of the National Academy of Sciences of RK, 19 doctors of science 
and 6 candidates of science, 5 PhD doctors. 
On the basis of the institutes of «Gylym Ordasy» along with al-Farabi 
Kazakh National University the Institute is involved in the scientific fellows 
preparation project which has 9 PhD doctoral candidates and 8 undergraduates.
The Institute successfully conducted 24 research projects within 
financing grants for 2012–2014 by Ministry of education and science on a 
priority of «Intellectual potential of the country». This priority has its 
continuous in 5 projects (2015–2017). Also in the framework of «The people in 
the flow of Нistory» Institute conducts research in the following areas of the 
project spiritual life of Kazakhstan: tradition and modernity from al-Farabi 
to Abai (2014–2016) research program «The role of religion in the historical, 
spiritual and cultural development of Kazakhstan: Tradition and Modernity» 
(2014–2016), preparation of textbooks on «The history of religions in present 
Kazakhstan» and «The history of Islamic culture on the territory of present 
Kazakhstan» (2014–2015). Institute also has the program «Values and ideals of 
independent Kazakhstan» to implement the research plan of the Presidential 
Administration on scientific support of «Strategy «Kazakhstan-2050».
The researches publish monographs, scientific articles on the issues of 
politics, science, education, culture, religion Kazakh and world philosophy. 

The publications of the Institute are demanded in high – rated publications 
near and far abroad.
By the program «Cultural Heritage» the Institute published collection 
of the works titled «East’s Aristotle – Al-Farabi» (10 volumes). «World 
Philosophical Heritage» (20 volumes) «The Philosophical Heritage of the 
Kazakhs» (20 volumes). As part of an interdisciplinary research program 
«Gylymi Kazyna» (2012–2014) «Designing Ideological Concepts in Modern 
Kazakhstan» were published 18 monographs. In 2013 the Institute took 
an active part in the preparation of a new vocabulary of modern political 
terminology – Terminological reference «Strategy «Kazakhstan-2050».
Institute publishes two journals: «Adam Alemi» and «Al-Farabi» 
recommended by the Committee for Control of Education and Science of RK 
that been published since 1999 and 2003. The Institute has its own website 
(www.iph.kz) in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English.
Institute for Philosophy, Political Sciences and Religion Studies regularly 
organizes international scientific conferences, seminars, «round tables», 
where not only leading Kazakhstani political scientists and philosophers, 
but also many scientists from foreign countries are participants. Institute 
has cooperation with scientific-research centers of Russia, China, Germany, 
USA, Turkey, France, Great Britain, Iran, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, 
Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and others.
Undergraduate Master’s degree and Doctorate students from leading 
Kazakh universities, such Al-Farabi KazNU, Abai KazNPU and others 
are conducting their research projects and are trained at the Institute for 
Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies.
The Institute has provided all necessary conditions for professional and 
scientific development of employees.
More detailed information about the Institute for Philosophy, Political 
Science and Religion Studies can be found at:
Republic of Kazakhstan, 050010,
Almaty, Kurmangazy Street, 29 (3rd floor)
Phone: +7 (727) 272-59-10
Fax: +7 (727) 272-59-10
E-mail: iph@iph.kz

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