Маслова А. М., Вайнштейн И., Плебейская ji. С

Text A. The oath of the doctor of the Soviet Union

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Английския язык для студентов-медиков

Text A. The oath of the doctor of the Soviet Union
Receiving the lofty title of the doctor and beginning the medical practice, I solemnly take the oath:
To devote all my knowledge and strength to the protection and improvement of the people's health, to the treatment and prevention of diseases, to work honestly wherever the interests of the society require;
To be always ready to give medical assistance, to deal with the patient attentively and carefully, to keep the medical secrecy;
To perfect the medical knowledge and professional skill, to promote the development of medical science and practice by honest labour;
To consult the colleagues wherever the interests of the patient may require and never to refuse an advice or assistance to anybody;
To preserve and to develop the noble traditions of Soviet medicine, to follow the principles of the Communist ethics in all the activity, always to remember about the lofty calling of the Soviet doctor, about the responsibility to the people and the Soviet state;
I swear to be true to this oath during the whole life.

          1. Прочтите и запомните чтение следующих слов. Переведите их:

candidate ['kaendidit], basis ['beisis], function ['fvr)kfn], physiology
[,fizi'obd3i], pharmacology [fa:m3'kotad3i], pathologic(al) [,рэе6э'Ьсфк(э1)], procedure [pra'si:d33], psychology [sai'koted3i]

          1. Прометайте текст В. State the difference between the systems of preparation of doctors u the USA and our country.

Text B. Medical Education in the United States
In the USA the young man who has the secondary education1 must pass through seven or eight years of hard study before he begins his work as a doctor.
First he has three or four years of premedical training at a university. Here he learns the main sciences. Only those students who show good results in their premedical training can become candidates for higher medical education. Those who do not continue their education can work as nurses.
The higher medical education is difficult. The students must study four years in the medical faculty of the university. During the first two years the student masters laboratory sciences. To learn2 the structure of the human body the student studies Anatomy. The student must get deep knowledge of biological chemistry because it is the basis for clinical laboratory diagnosis and therapy.
The student learns the functions of the body theoretically from books and by laboratory experiments in classes of Physiology.
In the USA the curriculum3 of medical faculties, has such a subject as Psychology which teaches the student to deal with patients4 and understand human behaviour (поведение).
The student learns all other theoretical subjects such as Pharmacology and Pathologic Physiology before he begins to treat a patient.
In his third and fourth years the student gets instruction and practical experience in the treatment and care of the patient. During these years the student has the possibility to work at the hospital and learn much of main medical procedures and different diseases to be well prepared for his work.

            1. the secondary education—среднее образование

            2. to learn—зд. чтобы узнать

            3. curriculum [ks'nkjulsm]—учебный план; программа (института, университета)

            4. to deal with patients—обращаться с больными


          1. Read the following and explain the pronunciation of the letters and letter combinations in bold type:

leave, last, tooth, teeth, circle, yellow, chair, appear, prepare, pure, while, whole, early, become, want, chest, short

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