Маслова А. М., Вайнштейн И., Плебейская ji. С

Грамматика: Случаи употребления

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Грамматика: Случаи употребления should и would. Союзы и союзные слова. Признаки сказуемого.

  1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания: power [раиэ] п. власть, сила; мощь; держава population [.popju'leifn] и население

quality ['kwoliti] га .качество government ['gAvonmont] и правительство standard of public health уровень здравоохранения mortality [mo:'taeliti] n смертность citizen ['sitizn] n гражданин
expense [iks'pens] n стоимость; затрата, расход; at the expense of за счет
equip [I'kwip] v оборудовать
ambulance ['aembjubns] n машина скорой помощи
life-span ['laif spaen] n продолжительность жизни
pollution [po'luijn] n загрязнение
noise [naiz] n шум

  1. Образуйте глаголы от следующих существительных. Переведите существительные и глаголы: •

service, protection, prevention, extension, government, pollution, requirement, equipment

  1. * Определите, в каких предложениях выделенные слова являются предлогами и в каких — союзами. По каким признакам вы определите это?

1. Since the establishment of the Soviet power in our country the standard of public health has been gradually becoming better. 2. The doctor often visited her patients in their homes for she wanted to know their environmental conditions. 3. Great research work has been carried out on the structure of the cell since it is the basic unit of all living matter. 4. After an attack of severe cardiac pain the patient was carried to the hospital by ambulance. 5. Before the Great October Revolution the mortality rate among children was very high due to the lack of adequate medical aid. 6. After extensive health measures were taken the life­span of the population of our country increased. 7. Vaccination is used for prevention of some infections diseases. 8. Before the patient with myocardial infarction is admitted to the hospital the ambulance doctor gives him an injection to relieve a sharp cardiac pain.

  1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

1. Thanks to extensive preventive measures the mortality rate has considerably decreased in the USSR since the Great October Socialist Revolution. 2. In some industrial countries the incidence of lung cancer has increased because of the pollution of air with cancerogenic substances. 3. A call is made to the First Aid Station in case of any emergency. 4. It has been determined that some disturbances of the nervous system are due to the extensive traffic (уличное движение) noise in large cities. 5. According to the Soviet system of Public Health numerous sanatoriums and rest houses provide our population with qualified medical aid.

  1. Переведите предложения и объясните употребление 'should' и 'would': (см. таблицу 20, стр. 292)

1. The doctor was sure that the patient would walk soon. 2. We thought we should have a lecture the next day at 12 sharp. 3. If the patient were better he would be discharged. 4. If I were you I should administer this patient streptomycin injections. 5.1 should call in the ambulance immediately. 6. The physician should always do his best to save the life of his patient. 7. It is necessary that the blood group should be determined before the transfusion is given. 8. The physician suggested that chemotherapy should be discontinued.

  1. 1. Прочтите и определите, какой частью речи являются выделен­ные слова. 2. Выучите их. 3. Предложения переведите:

1. The physician wanted to know where the tenderness was localized. 2. In order to prevent the fatal outcome the emergency surgery was performed. 3. The patient has injured his left leg as well as the right arm. 4. Though cardiac insufficiency has been controlled the patient is still following a bed regimen. 5. The backache was not so sharp as that in the chest. 6. The patient recovered sooner than we had expected. 7. The doctor knew well how to prevent the development of delirium and prostration in case of diphtheria.

  1. В следующих предложениях найдите сказуемое и скажите, по каким признакам вы это определите. Переведите предложения:

1. Tens of thousands of medical institutions function in our country. 2. The state foots all the allocations for public health. 3. On physical examination the doctor revealed extensive skin irritation. 4. The bile duct obstruction may be accompanied by the pain in the umbilical and hypochondriac areas. 5. Nobody has supported this diagnosis.

  1. 1. Прочтите текст A. 2. Найдите в нем предложения, содержащие эквиваленты русских слов и словосочетаний, и переведите их:

1. то есть; 2. ряд; 3. оздоровительные мероприятия; 4. с самого первого дня; 5. благодаря; 6. право на оплату больничного листа; 7. для того, чтобы; 8. за счет; 9. продление жизни
3. Определите, какой частью речи являются слова 'before' и 'since'. 4. Найдите союзы в предпоследнем абзаце текста. 5. Сделайте сообщение на тему: "Soviet Public Health".
Text A. The Development of Public Health in the USSR
During the years of the Soviet power great progress has been achieved in the development of public health in our country.
In 1913 there were only 20,000 doctors in Russia, that is one doctor served 10,000 of the population. Now there are more than one million doctors in our country, that makes about 1 /3 of the number of all the doctors in the world and more than half of those in Europe.
Before the Great October Socialist Revolution there were 207,000 beds in the hospitals. About 35% of the towns and half of the villages had no hospitals. During the years of the Soviet power the number of medical institutions has considerably increased, the quality of medical aid becoming much better.
Before the Revolution, there were only 89 women and children consultation centres in the country. Since the very first days of the Soviet power the Communist Party and the Government have been paying great attention to the protection of the health of mother and child.
Soviet public health is characterized by new methods of medical service.
Thanks to various health measures our country has achieved high standards of public health and total mortality rate has been decreased. The State has taken the responsibility for man's health. Public health allocations (ассигнования) are increasing every year. Any Soviet citizen wherever he lives may go to the doctor or make a call for him if necessary and; he will receive qualified medical aid free of charge.
Every Soviet citizen has the right to a sick-leave pay at the State insurance (государственное страхование) expense from the day he falls ill to the moment of his recovery.
The Soviet health service has many First Aid Stations with thousands of well-equipped modern ambulances and highly qualified ambulance doctors.
The main principles of Soviet public health are the prevention of diseases, gradual nation-wide dispensarisation and the extension of the life-span of Soviet people.
In order to achieve this extensive measures to control cardiovascular diseases and cancer are being carried out. Great attention is paid to the surrounding environmentthe elimination of air pollution with industrial and automobile gases, the control of growing noises in large cities.
Soviet people may restore their health in different sanatoriums and rest houses.

  1. Translate the following word combinations:

1. health measures; 2. to serve the population; 3. in the near future; 4. the quality of medical aid; 5. women and children consultation centres; 6. medical service; 7. high standard of public health; 8. total mortality rate; 9. at the Trade Union expense; 10. the extension of the life-span; 11. the surrounding environment; 12. growing noises

  1. Choose the appropriate word from those given below:

1.... of large cities suffers much from traffic noises. 2. In the USSR... is the lowest in the world. 3. In the USSR all the young people receive education.... 4. In our country ... are well equipped with all modern apparatuses. 5. ... of medical service has become much better thanks to various achievements in medicine
the mortality rate, the population, the first aid stations, the quality, at the State expense

  1. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning of the words given in bold type:

' 1. The diagnosis of acute peritonitis due to the rupture of the gallbladder was made by the surgeon. 2. Since preventive vaccination was introduced into medical practice after the discovery of Edward Jenner the mortality rate from smallpox decreased considerably already in the 19th century. 3. The patient must follow a bed regimen for rheumatic endocarditis affects the heart in the most unfavourable manner. 4. Since all other sources of infection can be excluded there is no doubt that the patient has become infected through indirect contact.

  1. Express the following definitions in one word:

1. the incidence of deaths; 2. the car that carries patients to the hospital; 3. the people of a country; 4. a man who lives in the city; 5. the body of persons who are responsible for the health of people in a country; 6. all the conditions that surround us; 7. the period of the disease when the patient is recovering; 8. the medical procedure which may prevent the appearance of an infectious disease

  1. Supply as many facts as possible to prove the following statements:

1. Every Soviet citizen receives medical aid free of charge. 2. The Soviet government has been paying great attention to the health protection of children. 3. The Soviet Union is the country which has the largest number of doctors. 4. The Soviet Public Health carries out extensive health measures.

  1. Read Text B. Say what is done to protect the aged in our country:

Text B. The Care for the Old in the USSR
There are several millions of pensioners in the USSR. These citizens receive from the State budget and other sources pensions amounting to several million roubles a year.
The Soviet Union has the lowest age requirements for old age pensions— 60 years for men and 55 for women. People in many occupations have the right to old age pensions five or more years earlier. On achieving the pensionable age they also have the right to move to homes for the aged.
Only in Moscow there are dozens (десятки) of such homes, like the one in Izmailovo. The people of this home like any other are completely freed of all expenses, because they are provided with everything at the State expense. The State spends an average of 90 roubles a month for each person in the home.
This home for the aged is like a sanatorium. One of the two buildings of the home is used mainly for providing medical service.
There are several doctors employed in the consultation centres and laboratories which have therapeutists, a radiologist, a neurologist, a psychiatrist and a dentist. Doctors of other specialities come from a city hospital when it is necessary.
The home's polyclinic has its own chemist's. All the medicines are given to pensioners also free of charge. There are clinical and biochemical laboratories and rooms for functional diagnostics and therapeutic physical training.
Many of the people in the home are sure that the therapeutic physical training helps them to live longer and take it regularly.
The old people listen to lectures, music, talks, see films, and attend concerts in which many well-known actors take part.
HOME ASSIGNMENTS I. Определите функции 'should', 'would':

    1. If biopsy had been performed it would have.helped the physician to determine abnormalities of the liver structure. 2. The doctor considered that the patient would be rehospitalized if the symptoms of jaundice recurred. 3. You should make the urinalysis to reveal the presence of bile if you suggested the diagnosis of cholecystitis. 4. The patient was interested to know if the operation would be performed under general or local anaesthesia. 5. It is necessary that vaccination should be made to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

    2. Выучите следующие слова: private ['praivit] а частный, личный

office ['ofis] n контора, учреждение; зд. кабинет
advice [od'vais] и совет (помощь)
advise [od'vaiz] о советовать
medical adviser врач
income [Чпклт] и доход
broad [bro:d] а широкий
cost [kost] и стоимость; v (cost, cost) стоить (о цене) face [feis] о стоять перед; выходить (на)

    1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова:

1. At a polyclinic or a hospital all our citizens can receive medical advice free of charge. 2. Our physician always advises his patients the necessary effective treatment. 3. Any patient with cardiac insufficiency needs the treatment with digitalis (наперстянка) preparations. 4. The Soviet government pays great attention to the needs of our public health. 5. The cost of medical service in the capitalist countries is known to be very high. 6. Persons who have suffered smallpox have unpleasant marks on their faces. 7. The most important problems which face the medical science at present are cardiovascular diseases and cancer.
IV. 1. Прочтите текст С. 2. Скажите, чем отличается медицинское обслуживание в США от медицинского обслуживания в СССР:
Text С. Medical Service in the USA
In the USA there are three levels of organization of medical service: the private doctor, the medical institution or hospital and the United State Public Health Service.
The average American has a doctor of his own, whom he calls his "family doctor". This doctor either has his own private office or works with several other doctors (the so-called "group practice"). This doctor gives the patient regular examinations, vaccinations and medical advice. This doctor generally receives pay directly from the patient.
But many Americans whose income is low have no family doctor. For instance, the majority of the Negroes living in the central part of Baltimore come directly to the hospital for all their medical needs. Here they are cared for in clinics by interns, residents (врачи, живущие при больнице) and the doctors who work there.
Each hospital has an "Emergency Room" which serves cases that need immediate attention. The broader questions of medicine such as vaccination of school children and studies of epidemics come under the control of the Public Health Service.
The great cost of medical care in the country and a great number of people who cannot pay for it have led to the development of two new programmes by the Federal GovernmentMedicare and Medicaid. Medicare provides free medical care for all the Americans over 65. Medicaid provides free medical care for all those whose income is below a certain level and who are not able to pay for medioul aid.
But during the coming years the decision has been taken to decrease the allocations on Medicare and Medicaid for 2 billion dollars. Within 1970— 1980 the cost of medical service of hospitalized patient has increased 3,5 times. In 1950 the cost of one hospital day was 15 dollars, and in 1980 it increased up to 240 dollars. The main scientific problems facing American medicine are the same as those facing Soviet medicine heart diseases and cancer. Great effort is being taken to determine the causes of these diseases and their successful cure.

      1. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words in bold type:

1. Most cases of cancer are considered incurable. 2. He is a well trained medical adviser and can give qualified medical aid to the patient. 3. Thanks to the great achievements of medicine many infectious diseases have become curable. 4. It is advisable that the patient with stric ulcer should follow a definite diet.

      1. Express the following definitions in one word:

1. a physician who treats the diseases of the nervous system; 2. a specialist who treats the diseases of the inner organs; 3. a medical adviser who makes X- ray examinations and describes X-ray films; 4. a doctor who treats our teeth; 5. a doctor who treats mental disturbances; 6. a medical specialist who works in the field of infectious diseases; 7. a physician who treats cardiac diseases; 8. a surgeon who operates on the heart; 9. a scientist who works in the field of physiology; 10. a researcher who investigates the life of microorganisms

      1. In Text С find English equivalents to the following word combinations:

1. медицинское обслуживание; 2. домашний врач; 3. частный кабинет; 4. обслуживать больных; 5. находиться под контролем; 6. бесплатный медицинский уход; 7. ниже определенного уровня; 8. проблемы, стоящие перед советской медициной; 9. успешное излечение

      1. Combine the pairs of sentences choosing the necessary conjunctions. Translate the sentences:

1. You may go to the polyclinic. You need medical advice, (provided, though) 2. In the USA most Negroes are the poor. Their income is very low. (after, because) 3. The patient must be admitted to the emergency room. He needs immediate surgical operation, (if, after) 4. Many diseases are cured successfully. The medicine has achieved great progress, (since, before) 5. In the USA Negroes have no family doctors. Private medical service is very expensive, (until, as)

      1. Read Text D. Speak about your impressions upon the courage of Soviet doctors in the Great Patriotic War

Text D. The doctors in the Great Patriotic War
The Soviet people suffered from bitter trials during the Great Patriotic War against nazi Germany. The Soviet public health system withstood trials honourably.1 The people of the noble profession "soldiers of life" had made a great contribution to our victory.
Over 200,000 doctors and 0,5 million medical personnel's worked in the front and rear2. They had to give medical aid in the difficult conditions. Operations, dressings and evacuation of the wounded continued for many hours, days and nights. They did not think about danger, sleep or rest.
During the Great Patriotic War over 72% of the wounded and 90% of the sick officers and soldiers were returned to the army.
One of the participants of the storm of Sapun-Hill wrote: "I am a witness3 of heroism of medical people in the front. They are heroes twice".
The greate contribution to the victory over the agressor was made by medical scientists. In 1944 a decision was taken to organize a single medical reseach centreThe Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR. Academician N.N. Burdenko an outstanding scientist and chief surgeon of the Soviet Army became its first President. For the first time in the history of the war there were no epidemic outbreaks on the territory of the Soviet Union.
For their heroic deeds about 100,000 medical workers were given Goverment awards. 47 of them became the heroes of the Soviet Union.

        1. to withstand trials honourably — честно перенести испытания

        2. rear [пэ]— тыл

        3. witness — очевидец

I. Ответьте на вопросы:

          1. По каким признакам можно определить сказуемое в предложении? 2. Назовите случаи употребления глаголов 'should' и 'would'.

          2. Найдите сказуемые в следующих предложениях и скажите, из чего они состоят. Где возможно, дайте их формулу. Предложения переведите:

1. The Helsinki Declaration of 1964 stated that clinical research on a human being cannot be undertaken without his free consent (согласие), after he has been fully informed. 2. All the experiments should be carried out only on animals but not on human beings.

          1. Переведите следующие предложения, используя глаголы 'should' или 'would':

1. Врач считал, что больного будут оперировать на следующий день. 2. Необходимо, чтобы больной соблюдал строгий постельный режим после проведенной операции. 3. Инфекционист должен знать результаты посева мазка, чтобы не ошибиться в диагнозе. 4. Вам следует немедленно сделать вакцинацию.

          1. Прочтите текст А. Обратите внимание на приведенные в тексте цифры:

Text A. The Cost of an Operation
The employment of modern achievements in medicine costs much.
The public health allocations in the USSR have been increasing since the establishment of the Soviet power. At one of the press-conferences the well- known Soviet surgeon academician В. V. Petrovsky spoke about such operations performed in his clinic in which 14 highly qualified specialists took part. It must cost very much. But how much? Let us count.
The patient was Vladimir Sorokin. The diagnosis was mitral valve defect with a considerable impairment of blood circulation.
The patient stayed in the hospital for 64 days of which 25 before the operation, and 39 after it.
The cost of the patient's stay for 25 days before the operation when all the examinations were performed made about 170 roubles. The cost of the operation and the drugs used during it together with the cost of the plasma and blood which were transfused to the patient and the cost of the treatment given to the patient after the operation made 970 roubles more. The doctors and the nurses who treated the patient received their wages. The patient received the sick- leave pay for three months, so the total cost of the treatment which the patient received at the State expense was about 1,700 roubles.
During the whole period of the patient's hospitalization he as well as his relatives thought only about the successful outcome of the treatment.
The problem of medical aid expenses has been decided by our Government. The Soviet doctors always do their best to save the life of their patients.

          1. 1. Read Text В with a dictionary what does this Text deal with?

Text B. Faithfulness to Hippocrates.
The first Congress of the world movement International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) was held in the USA in 1981. About 100 delegates from 11 countries participated in its work. By and by this movement became stronger and stronger, more and more physicians joining it.
To maintain life on Earth such was the motto of the 6th Congress of the world movement International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War that took place in Cologne in 1986. Over 3,000 delegates from 53 countries discussed the problems involved in ridding mankind of the ghost of "the last plague" the nuclear war could become.
In 1983 at the Congress in Amsterdam an addition was introduced into Hippocrates Oath, which reads as follows: "As a physicion of the twentieth century, realizing that nuclear weapon is an unprecedented challenge to my profession, that nuclear war will be the last epidemic for the manking, I will do my best to prevent nuclear war". The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the 15-th of November 1983 approved this addition to be included into the official text of the Oath of a Physician of the Soviet Union.
the Job will be reserved — работа будет сохранена
dispenser system—система диспансеризации
treasure зд. достояние

          1. Подготовьте доклад на тему: "Советское здравоохранение".


          1. On the basis of the formula form all the Infinitives of the verbs:

to report, to employ, to pay

          1. Put the verbs in brackets in the appropriate tense:

1. Whom... the doctor... at the hospital every day-' (treat) 2. What... you ... now? (study) 3. What... the surgeon already... ? (transfuse) 4. What... the surgeon. for two hours? (perform) 5. What mark ... you... in Anatomy at your examination last year? (receive) 6. What the lecturer... yesterday at 2 o'clock? (report on) 7. What... you... to do before you saw me? (decid'e) 8. What... the nurse... for an hour before the surgeon began the operation? (sterilize) 9. What ... you... tomorrow? (take part in) 10. What... you... tomorrow at 3 o'clock? (do) 11. How many patients... the doctor... tomorrow by 5 р.т.? (hospitalize)

          1. Translate the following word combinations:

1. станция скорой помощи; 2. за счет государства; 3. высококвалифи­цированные специалисты; 4. успешное лечение; 5. оказать первую помощь;
6. хорошо оборудованным машины скорой помощи; 7. уровень здравоох­ранения; 8 частная медицинская практика; 9. палата выходит на к", 10. высокая стоимость медицинской помощи в США; 11. платить врачу за медицинскую помощь

          1. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is the total mortality rate in the USSR the lowest in the world? 2. What are the main principles of the Soviet Public Health? 3. What are some of the problems facing the Soviet Public Health at present? 4. What do you know about Soviet sanatorium treatment? 5. What three levels of organization of medical service are there in the USA? 6. What doctor is called "a family doctor" in the USA? 7. Where do the poor receive medical advice in the USA? 8. What is the cost of medical care in the USA? 9. What do the terms Medicare and Medicaid mean?

          1. Read Text C. Put questions to it:

Text C. National Health Service in England
The National Health Service in England was inaugurated1 on July 5,1948 by the Minister for Health under the National Health Service Act of 1946.
The number of doctors in England is not quite enough to serve millions of potential patients who are treated at the expense of the National Health Service. Hospitals are always crowded2 and the number of doctors working there is not sufficient. Nurses are also in short supply.
All doctors may take part in the Family Doctor System and most of the physicians do so. They may have private practice receiving the pay directly from the patients for their medical advice. Health Service doctors are paid by the Government, the pay depending on the number of patients they have served every month.
The hospital service includes general and special hospitals, tuberculosis sanatoria, infectious disease units, and all forms of specialized treatment together with the provision of most surgical and medical needs.
In the main this part of the service is organized by 15 Regional Hospital Boards.3 In each hospital area there is a University having a teaching hospital or a medical school.

            1. to be inaugurated [i'no:gjureitid]—быть торжественно открытым, быть введенным

            2. to be crowded ['kraudid] — быть переполненным

            3. Regional Hospital Board — областной больничный совет

9 A. М. Маслова
XII. Read Text D. Say why the struggle for peace is so important from the point view of a doctor.
Text D. Physicians in the struggle for peace.
There is no task more important nowadays than the preservation of peace on earth.
Every sensible 1 man understands that the nuclear war means the end of the human civilization. That is why more and more people, more and more organizations national and international are fighting against the war dangers.
Many physicians from different countries take an active part in the struggle for peace.
Doctors are directly responsible for people's health. Day and night they are tirelessly2 fighting for the lives of the people. And they understand better than anyone what consequences3 the nuclear war may bring to the human organism.
There is a Committee of Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War in our country headed by academician Yevgeny Chazov. This Committee as well as organizations of physicians in other countries hold World Assemblies for Peace and Life against nuclear war. At these meetings the scientists report on irreversible4 changes of nuclear damage done to vital organs. Even reanimation is helpless in case of nuclear war. Their reports are based on scientific observations of the victims of Heroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombardment.
The famous German writer Arnold Zweig awarded the International Lenin Peace Prize said that if we wanted peace we had to work for it every day of our life, every hour of the day.
And physicians consider the struggle for peace as their moral and civic duty.

              1. sensible — разумный

              2. tirelessly — неутомимо

              3. consequeuces — последствия

              4. irreversible — необратимый

Урок 2. ХП. 1. does, 2. do, 3. did. 4. do
ХШ. 1. Does your friend get a stipend? 2. He does not know my address. 3. Do you live at the hostel? 4. They do not come to the hospital.
Урок 3. XI. 1. They were nurses. 2. They are children. 3. The boxes are on the tables. 4. We are young men. 5. We shall be doctors.
XII. 1. him, his; 2. them, their; 3. us; 4. our; 5. his; 6. it, its;
7. her, her; 8. me
Урок 4. IX. 1. в англ. предл. — в конце; в русск. предл. — в начале; 2. с оборота there is (are); 3. не переводится
ХП. Пора начинать наш опыт. 2. Вчера не было холодно. 3. Будет ли трудно сделать эту работу?
Урок 5.1, a) sh [Л- ch, tch [tj]; ph [f|; 6) th [б]; в) th [9]

                1. 1. poor; 2. particular; 3. valuable; 4. kind

                2. 1. способности; 2. излечение; 3. охрана здоровья

XV. 1. where; 2. what; 3. what; 4. whose; 5. who; 6. which
Урок 6. V. to mark — отмечать, поставить оценку; to aim — иметь целью, стремиться; to date—датировать; to rest — отдыхать; to group — группировать; to act — действовать; to cure — вылечивать; to harm — вредить

                  1. допускать, принять (into); оканчивать (вуз); добавлять; экзаменовать, обследовать; защищать; располагать

                  2. 1. голова; 2, стулья; 3. заведующий кафедрой; 4. жизни; 5. живет; 6. сначала; 7. первое

XII. 1. any; 2. по; 3. some; 4. some
Урок 7. III. покидать, оставлять, уходить (из); слабость; рано; спокойный; ложный; настоящий

                  1. 1. are, am; 2. were; 3. was; 4. shall be

Урок 8. V. 1. worse; 2. more necessary; 3. the most successful
VI. 1. on, at; 2. no prep., with; 3. in, no prep.; 4. to, for; 5. to

                    1. 1. felt; 2. was performing; 3. do not attend; 4. will listen; 5. is delivering

                    2. 1. cannot; 2. must; 3. may

  1. 1. Давайте я буду препарировать труп. 2. Пусть они закончат эту лабораторную работу сегодня. 3. Пусть он лечит этого больного. 4. Давайте вернемся в общежитие сейчас.

  2. 1. Did you complete any experiments yesterday? 2. Do any members of your scientific society deliver lectures? 3. Does he need any care?

Урок 9. II. 2. невозможный; неопределенный; нерегулярный (неправиль­ный); несделанный; несчастливый; нелегальный; ненаписанный; неэффектив­ный

    1. 1. Past Indef. II форма гл.; Я обследовал. Он обследовал. Мы обследо­вали. 2. Из гл. to be (прош. вр.) и смыслового гл. в III форме (p.p.). Меня обсле­довали (я был обследован). Его обследовали (он был обследован). Нас обследо­вали (мы были обследованы). 3. Сказ, в левой колонке переводится действ, залогом, а в правой — страд, залогом.

VIII. 2,4, 5. В предл. 1 и 3 сказ, выражены гл.-связкой + прилаг.
Урок 10. IV. 1. breastbone; 2. skull; 3. skeleton; 4. adult; 5. side, ribs, breastbone
Урок 11. II. внимательный; конструктивный (строительный); коллектив­ный; активный; иллюстративный (пояснительный); относительный; действен­ный (эффективный); решительный; защитный (профилактический)
V. 1. доп., 2. подлеж., 3. обет, цели; 4. опред., 5. сост. часть

    1. 1. совпадает; 2. в английском — Past Indefinite, а в русском — настоящее

Урок 12. V. 1—6; 2—в; 3—а
Урок 13. IV. А. 1. обследовал; сказ, в Past. Ind. Act.; 2. обследовали; p.p. входит в состав глагола — сказ, в Past Ind. Pass.; 3. обследованный; р. р. образу­ет прич. оборот; 4. обследованный; р. р. — как опред; Б. 1. изменившееся p.p. — как опред.; 2. изменил — сказ, в Past Ind. Act.; 3. изменены; p.p. — входит в состав сказ, в Past Ind. Pass.; 4. измененные; p.p. — образует прич. оборот
Урок 14. III. 1. extends; 2. varies; 3. heavier; 4. covered V. restoring — восста­навливающий, восстанавливая; introducing — вводящий, вводя; establishing — устанавливающий, устанавливая; connecting — соединяющий, соединяя
Урок 17. VI. 1. 1) have written; has written; 2) had written; had examined; 3) shall have written; will have written; 2. to have; 3. в третьей форме

      1. 1. Я ие видел товарища Климова с тех пор (предлог). 2. Студенты не посещали лекции по физиологии, с тех пор как профессор уехал в Ленинград (союз). 3. Мои родители живут в Москве с прошлого года (предлог). 4. Здоро­вье моей сестры не изменилось, с тех пор как ее выписали из больницы (союз). 5. Больной не спит с самого утра (предлог).

X. 1. has not prolonged — не продолжал; was prolonged — было продолже­но; 2. has not yet discharged — еще не выписал, was not discharged — не был выписан (не выписался). В первых предл. этих пар сказуемые имеют формулу to have + III форма смыслового глагола, т. е. Perf. Active; во вторых предл. — to be + III форма смыслового глагола, т. е. Indefinite Passive.
Урок 18. II. 1. В главном предложении подл, отсутствует, но подразумева­ется; сказуемое — говорят. 2. В русск. грам. — это неопределенно-личный обо­рот.
Ш. I. it is estimated; 2. they think; 3. before Vesalius they considered (it was considered); 4. it is determined; 5. one can say

      1. 1. гл., посчитайте; 2. им. сущ., подсчет; 3. гл., сосчитать;

им. сущ., в среднем; 4. им. прил., средняя; 5. гл., выписать; 6. гл., выделять; 7. им. сущ., выделение

        1. 1—6,2—в, 3—б, 4—а

        2. 1. the left ventricle; 2. the right ventricle; 3. red blood corpuscles; 4. white blood corpuscles

Урок 19. VIII. 1. Ученые установили, что частота сердечных сокращений увеличивается вследствие различных эмоций. 4. Было установлено, что кровь — жидкая ткань.
Урок 20.1. А. 1. подл. — the man, you; сказ. — see, teaches; 2. два предл.: the man teaches us Physiology; you see in the class-room; 3. второе предл. определяет первое; 4. союз "который" (who или that); 5. Мужчина, которого вы видите в аудитории, преподаст нам физиологию.

          1. связывать (соединять), связанный, связующий, связь; особый, особен­но, особенность; изменять (изменение), измененный, изменяющийся, изменчи­вый (непостоянный), обменивать (обмен); соединение (связь), соединительный, соединенный; глубокий, глубоко, глубина

Урок 21. IV. 1. has already been established; 2. have been founded; 3. has just been estimated. Все сказ, стоят в Present Perf. Pass. Формула: to have been 4 + III форма спрягаемого глагола.

          1. 2. Меня (уже) лечили в этой клинике. 4. Сегодня была прочитана лекция о газообмене в легких.

            1. 1. Именно в альвеолах происходит дыхательный газообмен. 2. Именно гемоглобин несет кислород к различным тканям тела человека. 3. Только в 1628 г. циркуляция крови была описана Вильямом Гарвеем.

Урок 22. II. 1. hearing; 2. the nose; 3. becomes tired rapidly; 4. the nerve fibers in the spinal cord
1П. 2. to be adding, to have added, to be added, to have been added; to be bringing, to have brought, to be brought, to have been brought; to be connecting, to have connected, to be connected, to have been connected
IV. 1. to examine Int. Ind. Act.; 2. to be examiningInf. Cont. Act.; 3. to have examined Inf. Perf. Act.; 4. to be examined Inf. Ind. Pass.; 5. to have been examined Inf. Perf. Pass.
X. 1. tiredness, falls asleep; 2. smooth; 3. significance; 4. quiet; 5. slow
Урок 25. VI. 1. everybody; 2. nobody; 3. anything; 4. anywhere; 5. nothing
Урок 27.1.1. первое — условное; второе и третье — временны'е;
2. а) буд. вр.; б) наст, вр.; 3. а) в буд. вр.; б) в буд. вр.

            1. 1. Мой брат выглядит больным, потому что он болеет с начала весны. Он заболел гриппом первого марта. 2. Вчера в нашу поликлинику поступил вызов от больного, который живет на улице Ленина. Больной вызвал врача, так как у него была боль в груди. Терапевт поставил диагноз пневмонии. Эта болезнь называется пневмонией, так как ее название происходит от греческого термина "pneumon" (легкое).

            2. I—а, 2—6, 3—а

Урок 28. III. 1. Сейчас мой отец соблюдает постельный режим, потому что у него тяжелое сердечное заболевание. 2. У этой женщины одышка последовала за тяжелым сердечным заболеванием. 3. После назначения этого лекарства у больного появилось нормальное сердцебиение. 4. Высокое внутричерепное давление, сопровождаемое постоянными головными болями, может быть одним из симптомов внутричерепной опухоли.
Урок 29. I. бессонный; беззаботный; беспомощный; бездомный; безжизненный; безболезненный; безнадежный; беспокойный

              1. 1. боль — сущ.; 2. болит — гл.; 3. заболевание — сущ.; 4. беспокоит — гл.; 5. не сомневаюсь — гл.; 6. сомнения — сущ.; 7. подход — сущ.; 8. подошел — гл.

              2. 1. Мой брат хочет стать хирургом, так как ему нравится хирургия. 2. В то время когда врач обследовал больного, он обнаружил влажные хрипы в легких. 3. У человека размер сердца такой же, как его кулак. 4. Мой отец работает терапевтом (в качестве терапевта) в поликлинике.

Урок 30. VIII. 1. had been hospitalized; 2. had not been indicated; 3. had failed

                1. 1. вызывающее — часть прич. оборота; 2. госпитализируя — обет, вр.;

                  1. приближающаяся — опред.; 4. ставила — образует группу Cont. Все выделенные слова являются Present Participle.

Урок 31.1. 1. Present Part, переводится прич. и дееприч.; 2. опред.1); частью прич. оборота (г—2); обет. вр. (д); обет. обр. действия (е); 3. сущ. (чтение) или инф. (читать)

                    1. 1. Его плохое состояние помешало ему посетить лекцию по микробиологии. 4. Больной должен был прекратить занятия спортом из-за болезни суставов. 5. Нет смысла расширять наши исследования, так как природа этого явления стала ясна.

                    2. 1. герундиями; 2. а) герундий не употребляется с артиклем, и после него не ставится предлог of; ing-form в правой колонке употребляется с артиклем и предлогом of после нее; б) герундий определяется притяжательным мест, и нареч., a ing-form в правой колонке определяется прил.; 3. во мн. ч.

                    3. 2. the examining of (артикль и предлог); 4. rapid leaving of (определяется прилагательным и имеется предлог).

                    4. 1) 1. — подл., 2,3,4 — прямое доп., все герундии; 2) to treat, to be treated, to have treated, to have been treated; 3) 1.—простой герундий группы Ind. 2. — герундий страд, залога группы Ind; 3. — герундий действ, залога группы Perf.;

                  1. герундий страдат. залога группы Perf. 4) 1. Лечение (лечить) больных долевой пневмонией необходимо в стационаре. 2. Он хочет, чтобы его лечили в стационаре. 3. Врач помнит, что он лечил этого больного. 4. Я помню, что меня лечили по поводу пневмонии в этой больнице.

  1. 1. Inf. Ind. Act. to ask; Inf. Ind. Pass. to be asked; 3. Inf. Perf. Act. to have asked; Inf. Perf. Pass. to have been asked

    1. 1. having been told Perf. Pass. После того как врачу сообщили о результатах рентгеновского исследования, он записал их в историю болезни этого пациента. 2. being read toInd. Pass; reading— Ind. Act. Я не люблю, когда мне читают, я люблю читать сам. 3. having been Perf. Act. Больной был благодарен врачу за то, что он был так внимателен к нему. 4. having examined Perf. Act. Ни один врач не может поставить правильный диагноз, не обследовав больного.

XI. 1. having investigated Perf. Act. Изучив анамнез жизни больного, врач сделал вывод, что больной чувствителен к антибиотикам. 2. having been treated Perf. Pass. После того как больного лечили длительное время, он почувство­вал себя лучше. 3. being asked Ind. Pass. Когда больному задали несколько вопросов относительно приступа сердечной боли, он сообщил, что она бывает особенно острой при физическом напряжении.
Урок 32. Ш. 1. his having treated; 2. in moist rales being determined; 3. your operating (on me)

      1. 1. having made; 2. composed; 3. preventing; 4. having been relieved

      2. 1. После изменения назначенного лечения врач считал, что состояние больного станет лучше. 2. При проведении научных наблюдений нужно быть особенно осторожным. 3. Нарушения сердечной деятельности обнаружива­ются путем снятия электрокардиограмм. 4. Нельзя переливать кровь, не опреде­лив сначала ее группу.

Урок 34. II. 1. has been making — В течение месяца больной медленно по­правляется. 2. shall have been investigating — Мы будем изучать этот случай уже три недели к концу года. 3. had been coughing — Больной кашлял уже месяц к тому времени, когда он поступил в больницу. Формула для всех — to have been + ing-form (making, investigating, coughing).
IX. 1—a; 2—6; 3—6
Урок 36. IV. 1—a; 2—6; 3-6; 4—6; 5—a

      1. 1—6; 2—6; 3—a; 4—6

Урок 37.1. 1. дополнительным; 2. нет; 3. him — косвенный падеж личного местоимения; 4. сказ, studies приобрело форму инф.; 5. that he studies = him to study; 6. что он учится; 7. что? 8. что? (кого)? 9. доп.
II. 1. my sister to be operated on; 2. my mother to be following, 3. the electrocardiogram waves to have changed; 4. the intensity ... to decrease
Урок 38. IV. 1. the patient to have; 2. the primary focus of infection to have been eliminated; 3. the loss of weight to be one of the typical signs of pulmonary tuberculosis
Урок 40. IV. 1—6; 2—a; 3—a

        1. 1.союз — что;2. союзноеслово — который; 3. союзное слово— то,что;

          1. указательное мест. — того; 5. заменитель сущ.— the clinical manifestation

        2. I—а; 2—b

Урок 41.1. 1. простые; 2. is said, is thought, is known; 3. в страд.; 4. со сказ.;

                  1. неопределенно-личными оборотами; 6. глагол в инф.; 7. сказ.; 8. he, the patient, leucocytosis; 11. seem, appears, proved; 12. в действ.; 13. they + to study; he + to suffer; the pain + to be sharp

II. 1. the liver... to be enlarged. При физикальном обследовании считали, что печень увеличена. 2. the damage ... to have been present. Предполагалось, что нарушение кровоснабжения имелось до операции. 3. overstrain ... to affect. Ус­тановлено, что как умственное, так и физическое перенапряжение, действует на нормальную функцию сердца самым неблагоприятным образом.
VII. 1—а; 2—а; 3— б
Урок 42. VI. предл. со сложи. доп. — 2, 5; предл. со сложным подл. — 1,3,4
Урок 43. I. 1. anaemia; 2. a cardiologist; 3. aetiology; 4. pathogenesis; 5. peritonitis; 6, hypothermia; 7. malaise; 8. fibrillation; 9. leucocytosis
II. 1—6; 2—a; 3—6
Урок 44.1. 1.1; 2. called in; 3. Prfesent Part.; 4. функцию обет.; 5. страдая от сильной боли, я вызвал врача; (я вызвал; я страдал); 6. мой друг страдал, а я вызвал

  1. 1. the abdominal incision having been made and the stomach opened; 2. there being profuse external haemorrhage; 3. the digestion being considerably impaired

  2. опущено being

  3. 1. being admitted Part. Ind. Pass., examined Past Ind. Act.; 2. having been hospitalized Part. Perf. Pass., was controlled Past Ind. Pass.; 3. having increased Part. Pert. Act., asked Past Ind. Act.

  4. 1. the highest incidence of the disease being between 46 and 50 years; 2. four having died of other pathologic conditions; 3. one having died of a gastro-intestinal bleeding

Урок 45. II. 1. preventive; 2. to be established; 3. to be due to; 4. to spread to; 5. to have elevated; 6. changes
Урок 46. II. 1. which; 2. that; 3. that; 4. whom
III. 1—d; 2—a; 3—c; 4—b
Урок 47. VI. 1—6; 2—в; 3—б; 4—a
Урок 48.1. 1, 3, — if = если; 2. if = ли

  1. 1. Нужно, чтобы группа крови была определена до того, как больному сделают переливание. 2. Врач предложил, чтобы электрокардиограмма была повторена 3. Он выглядел уставшим (так, как будто бы устал). 4. Маловероят­но, чтобы уровень гемоглобина повысился в течение болезни. 5. Лучше опери­ровать немедленно, чтобы не произошел разрыв аппендикса. 6. Врач настаи­вал, чтобы химиотерапия была прекращена. 7. Мне хотелось бы, чтобы дан­ные лабораторных анализов были лучше.

Во всех предложениях употреблено сослагательное наклонение, так как в предл. 1, 4 имеются неопределенно-личные обороты (it is necessary, it is likely), во 2, 6 — глаголы to suggest, to insist; в 3 — союз as if, в 5 — союз lest, в 7 — глагол wish
Урок 49. IV. 2; 4; 5
Урок 51. Ш. 1. since предлог "с"; 2. for—союз "так как"; "поскольку"; 3 since

  • союз "так как", "поскольку"; 4. after — предлог "после"; 5. before — предлог "перед", "до"; 6. after — союз "после того как"; 7. for — предлог "для"; 8. before

  • союз "до того как". В отличие от предлога, после союза стоит подлеж. и сказ, (т. е. самостоятельное предл.). Предлог не ставится перед подлеж.

Правила чтения
Урок 1,1.I

    1. а) Слог, заканчивающийся гласном буквой, называется открытым: my, no, те, be.

б) Слог, заканчивающийся согласном буквой, называется закрытым: met, not, map, pin.

    1. Слогоделение в английских словах начинается с последней гласной (согласная во внимание не принимается): la-te, la-ter. Последняя гласная вместе с предшествующей согласной образует слог. Если буква е стоит в конце слова, и помимо нее в слове есть другие гласные, то буква е образует графически открытый слог. В графически открытом слоге буква е не читается. Таким образом, в словах late, later — по два слога.

Примечание. Буква 1 образует отдельный слог с предшествующей согласной, поэтому в слове table слоговая граница проходит перед b: ta-ble.
При удвоении согласных слоговая граница проходит между ними: lat-ter

    1. Ударение (') в двусложных словах падает на второй слог от конца: 'la-ter. Знак (') ставится перед ударным слогом.

Урок I, II

      1. а) В открытом (I) ударном слоге гласные имеют алфавитное чтение.

Примечание. Любая гласная в безударном слоге читается [a], [i] или
вообще не читается: method ['meOsdj, begin fbi'Qin], hostel ['hasti],
б) В закрытом (II) ударном слоге гласная читается кратко: а [а&], о [э], и [л], е [е], i [i], у [i],

      1. а) Третий (ударный) тип слога всегда закрывается буквой г (за ней может следовать любая согласная). Буква г сама не читается, а удлиняет слог. Поэтому гласные в этом слоге долгие: ar [cu]; or [о:]; иг, er, ir,.yr [э:].

б) Гласные в IV типе слога читаются: а 4- re [еэ]; о + ге [о:], [зэ]; u+re [jus]; е + re [is]; i + re [aia]; у + re [aia].
Неударный слог re читается как нейтральный звук [э], а чтение гласных в ударном слоге иногда совпадает с чтением гласных в I типе слога.
Сравните I и IV типы: I cube [kjurb] — IV—cure [kjua],
Примечания: 1. Если в IV типе слога после -ге (г + гл.) есть другие произносимые буквы, то буква г произносится: parent ['рсэгэги] родитель.

        1. В буквосочетаниях er, ar, or, ir, ur гласные также читаются нейтрально, а предшествующая гласная звучит как в IV типе:

cha-ir [t/сз] стул; кафедра; he-ar [his] слышать; be-er [bis] пиво; do-or [da:] дверь,

        1. Те же буквосочетания (er, or, ir, ar, ur), если после них стоит согласная или целый слог, читаются как в III типе слога, т. е. [ос], [э:]:

heart [hott] сердце; earth [э:в] земля; early ['a:li] рано.
Урок 1, IV
В многосложных словах ударение чаще падает на третий от конца слог, при этом гласная в ударном слоге читается как в закрытом слоге, даже если этот слог открытый: family ['fasmili] семья.
Урок 2, IV
В английском языке новые слова образуются следующими способами:
1   ...   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   ...   111

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