Мехатроника 1 Бөлім mechatronics

The main technical characteristics of the installation

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Мехатроника 1 том Баймухамедов М.Ф., Джаманбалин Қ.Қ.,Ақгул м.К.

The main technical characteristics of the installation:
Resolution of measurements, μm............................................................................1
Measurement inaccuracy, μm................................................................................15
Control time of one pipe, sec…….......................................................not more 90
Operating conditions...................................................................................workshop
Requirements for the basing of pipes:
Аccuracy of positioning along the longitudinal axis, mm..............................2,0 
Аccuracy of end positioning, mm.....................................................................±5,0
Previously on the surface of the thread should be applied a layer of finely 
divided talc by spraying.
6.3 Production machines with parallel and hybrid kinematics
As shown in chapter 1, the principles and methods of mechatronics 
are fundamental and practical basis for the design and implementation of 
machines with parallel and hybrid kinematics. The construction of machines 
of this class based on the use of the three integration methods described in 
chapter 3. Thanks to the advent of high performance computers and intelligent 
mechatronic modules, it became possible to control the movement of vehicles 
with nonlinear structure in real-time. Mechatronic approach to the integration 
of precision mechanics and microelectronics, computing and sensor devices 
makes promising the creation and implementation of machines with parallel 
and hybrid kinematics in a variety of industries.
6.3.1 Mechatronic center «GEXAMECH-1» for the aerospace industry
In September 2003 mechatronic center «GEXAMECH-1» was presented 
at the international industrial exhibition in Moscow [26]. The centre was 
developed by the specialists of a number of Russian research institutes: the 
National Institute of aviation technologies (NIAT), Novosibirsk state technical 
University, company «Siberia-mechatronics» and other organizations. Machine 
manufacturer – Savelovsk machine-building plant. General view of the center 
shown in Fig. 6.10. 
The Center is designed for machining of long (to 3 m) of products in the 
aerospace industry. To do this, the composition of the machine we have a 
desktop with linear movement. Hexapod having six driven rods, installed on 

steel octagonal base. The movable platform carrying spindle made of an alloy 
based on titanium and reinforced with steel sections. Design optimization of 
mechatronic machines are made using special software developed by the 
company «Siberia-mechatronics». Tool mental store has 24 items.
Figure 6.10 – Mechatronic center «GEXAMECH-1»
The main technical characteristics of the hexamech
Working area, mm........................................................................3000 х 800 х 700
Orientation of the working element, °:
with respect to the B axis...................................................................................±3 0
with respect to the A axis....................................................................................±25
on both axes in the center of the working area................................................±45
Spindle power, kW...................................................................................................30
Maximum rotation speed, min
....................................................................30 000
Maximum travel speed, m/min.............................................................................30
Maximum acceleration.............................................................................................lg
Accuracy of movement (at a distance
1000 mm), µm ........................................................................................................100
The machine is equipped with a CNC system RA 8000 NT HS by Power 
Automaton GmbH, which has an open architecture. To eliminate special and 
unacceptable configurations and movements of the hexapod, a special software 
module was developed. This module monitors the speed and acceleration limits 
in the drives, excludes the possibility of reaching the boundaries of the working 
zone by linear or orienting degrees of mobility. All dangerous situations are 
visualized on the display of the control system.

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