Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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пособие для 4 курса

op. cit.

see previously quoted work by author (from Latin, opus citatum)

Potts op. cit. 33-54



used when giving bibliographical reference



used when giving bibliographical reference



in the article referred to above (p. 43), Smith claims ...



See McKinley 1990 pp.1 1-19

Appendix 4 Making presentations
The language of presentations often contains less formal vocabulary than that of academic writing, so take care not to use the less formal expressions in your written work.
Getting started

'In this presentation I'd like to focus on recent developments in biomass fuels. I'll speak for about 45 minutes, to allow time for questions and comments. Feel free to1 interrupt if you have any questions or want to make a comment.'
'First I'll give a brief overview of the current situation with regard to intellectual property rights, then I'd like to raise a few issues concerning the internet. I'll try to leave2 time for questions at the end.'
'I'd like to begin by looking at some previous studies of ocean temperatures. There's a handout going round3, and there are some spare4 copies here if you want them.' 'In this talk I'll present the results of a study I did5 for my dissertation. I'll try not to go over time and keep to 20 minutes.'
' an informal way of giving permission 2 less formal than allow 3 a more formal version would be which is being distributed 4 extra 5 or, more formal, carried out I conducted

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