Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

Рекомендуемые лексические конструкции

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пособие для 4 курса

Рекомендуемые лексические конструкции

The logic of the study is the following:


First/first of all/initially/to start with/the first step/at the first stage
Second/secondly/the second step/at the second stage
Third/thirdly/the third step/at the third stage
Then/after that
Next/subsequently/the next step/at the next stage
Finally/the final step/at the final step

5 Основная часть

Рекомендуемые лексико-синтаксические структуры

Рекомендуемые лексические конструкции

On the hypothesis of ….
The notion to be defined is …

Trying to define

The basic peculiarity of …

The primary definition is given … (e.g. in the politico-economic dictionary after Azimov D.)

Taking into account all these characteristics …

on the hypothesis; assume, make (an) assumption; assuming, by assuming, on (under, with) the assumption that …


to define, obtain, estimate, evaluate, deduce, derive from; determine from; estimate, evaluate (from); calculate, compute (from); deduce, derive (from); conclude, make a conclusion, infer (from); expect from; predict from; explain from; interpret from; suggest from
feature; characteristics; peculiarity; be characterized by (some feature, property etc.); have (some feature, property); be characteristic of.; be typical of …
primary, certain, definite; usual, ordinary; given; same; different, various; similar; variable; stable; high, higher; low, lower; increased, elevated; moderate; primary — первичный; final.

take into account, consider, take into consideration, allow for, make allowance for; considering, taking into consideration, taking into account, allowing for, making allowance for, with the allowance for, when allowance is made for

To analyze the effect of ...(e.g. price increases) on …(e.g. quantity supplied)

The results of the analyses are reliable enough to infer …

(e.g. supply)…. and ….(e.g. demand) are examples of ... (e.g. market powers)

Generally there are two types of economy: plan and market. Plan economy can be sub-divided, according to scale of government activity , into …

The analysis proved the advantages of …

The most serious disadvantage is …. (e.g. an inappropriate legal frame work)

effect of ... on, influence of ... on; action of ... on; influence; act on (upon); affect; produce the/an affect on ...
be valid, be reliable, be useful, be of use, be helpful, be suitable, be convenient, be efficient, be adequate,

For example/for instance,

... is illustrated by (... is a good illustration of) ...
... is a case in point ...
Scientists such as ...
Such scientists as ...

The vocabulary to be used in classifying is:

... consists of .../... comprises ...
... may be classified according to/
on the basis of/depending on/upon
may be divided .../... may be sub-divided .../... may be further sub-divided ...
advantages, merits; achievement; contribution; grasp; coverage; deapth; foundation; considerations; success; survey; treatment; starting point; contain; deal with, survey, treat; adequate; clear; comprehensive; exclusive; deep; original; profound; rich; successful; various; up-to-date; extensive cover of (literature, material); a great variety of; a wide and intelligent grasp of; ... at the high level; in addition to, besides

disadvantages, shortcomings; mistakes; misprints; misspells; errors; lapses; omission; feature; references
(прилагательные) difficult; disappointing; erroneous; generalized; inadequate; outdated — устаревший

The results of the study are the following …

These findings make it possible to conclude that …

It is necessary that a more thorough study of the phenomenon should be performed

Another method of treatment is proposed

result (on, of); findings (on); data (on, concerning, as to); evidence (for, of, on, concerning, that) fact (of, concerning, that); provide evidence for; give strong evidence for (of)

lead to a conclusion, make it possible to conclude that ..., concerning, as to...; conclude; make, draw, reach a conclusion, come to a conclusion that...; it is concluded that; from the results it is concluded that...; it may be noted that... it may be stated that ...; thus, therefore, consequently, as a result

Proposed, suggested, recommended

It can be highly recommended

In conclusion it can be said

It is to be warmly welcomed

In spite of minor faults it should be recommended

It is of greater value to...

propose, suggest, recommend; make a suggestion; make a suggestion as to how (when, where, what etc); it is suggested that (smth.) (should) be done; it is necessary to do smth; need

faults, advantage, merit; limitation, disadvantage, drawback.
(прилагательные) fundamental; chief, main; great, important, essential, marked; obvious, distinct.

Основная часть проекта ВКР содержит значительное количество логических связок и переходов, здесь рекомендуется использовать следующие конструкции и обороты:

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