Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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Hit by Higher Costs
Higher raw-material costs have reduced full-year profits at Bonner's, the plastics manufacturer, with prices of polyethylene, the main component of its business, rising 8% since last year. Profits were also held back by the disposal of its packaging division, which accounted for over half of turnover the previous year. Additional costs were incurred by relocating the head office from Wrexham to Cardiff, and from reorganisation and redundancy in its plastics business. Bonner's said that trading in the current year has started slowly, particularly in its European markets.
Surprise Fall
Shares in regional supermarket chain Couldson fell steeply yesterday after the retailer warned of losses at its biggest outlet, in Bristol. The warning was in stark contrast to its trading statement three months ago, which reported a rise in like-for-like sales of 5% in the preceding month. However, trading across the rest of the chain, including seven outlets bought last year from Luxona, showed a healthy improvement. The company has promised to do all it can to stem the decline of the last four weeks at the Bristol outlet.
Modest Improvement
Dorcas Foods has posted a modest rise in interim profits. However, the company says it has had to absorb increased costs at its Quality Sugar subsidiary and the impact of a margin squeeze at its Australian baking operations. In sugar, the continued strength of sterling has capped profits, and with Dorcas's move out of sugar-beet refining, expenditure on redundancy is having a serious impact. At the same time, floods in Australia have led to higher wheat prices, which in turn have reduced margins in the company's baking operations

Part Two
Questions 9-14

Read this article from the business pages of a newspaper. Choose the best sentence from the list to fill each of the gaps. For each gap (9-14), mark one letter (A-H). Do not use any letter more than once. There is an example at the beginning (0).

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