Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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пособие для 4 курса

B Adding points to an argument
Bad diet and high stress levels, as well as lack of exercise, are key factors in causing heart disease; on top of which there is smoking, which is one of the most damaging factors. In addition to the questionnaire, we also conducted interviews with some of the subjects. A further argument in support of raising the retirement age is that life expectancy is increasing. Moreover/Furthermore1, many people enjoy working; for example / for instance2 in a recent survey, 68% of people said they would like to work till they were at least 70.
1 moreover is much more frequently used in academic style than furthermore 2 for example is much more frequently used in academic style than for instance

C Qualifying: limiting and specifying an argument
Dr O'Malley is leading a class discussion on human rights.


OK. 'Human rights are rights which you possess simply because you are human.' To what extent can we say that? What are the pros and cons1 of this view?


Well, I think it's too simplistic, in the sense that2 it ignores the rights of victims and everyone else's right to life. So, provided that we remember this, then we can give people basic rights, albeit3 with limitations.


Mm, that's all very well, but4 if you say human rights depend on, say, government decisions about national security, then they're no longer rights, are they? They become privileges. Having said that5, it's a complex issue with no simple answer. Even so, I still think we must be careful not to give our rights away.


OK. Fine. Apart from victim's rights, are there other arguments for restricting rights? I mean we could look at protecting property, ending a chronically sick person's life, and so on / and so forth6. Let's talk about the degree/extent to which these are relevant.


Every sick person has the right to life, but at the same time we should be free to decide when we want to die.


Well, a lot of sick people can't make that decision for themselves, despite the fact that we may respect their right to a dignified death.


Hmm. Nevertheless/Nonetheless7, I think it's a key issue.

1 (slightly informal) advantages and disadvantages 2 used to explain precisely what has just been said 3 (formal) although 4 (informal, typical of spoken contexts) indicates a partial agreement, followed by a disagreement 5 (typical of spoken contexts) said when you wish to add a point which contrasts with what has just been said 6 (typical of spoken contexts) can be used separately or together {and so on and so forth); can also be et cetera (more common in writing - etc.) 7 however; nevertheless is more frequent in academic style than nonetheless


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