Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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пособие для 4 курса

case study

keeps in-depth9 descriptive records, as an outside observer, of an individual or group

often involves only a single individual as the subject of the study and this person may not be representative10 of the general group or population

1 makes changes to 2 not natural 3do in exactly the same way 4 show something is not true 5 something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc. 6 altering 7 making it change 8 comes to conclusions on the basis of 9 detailed
10 typical


1 Complete the sentences in these two texts with words from the input above.

Scientists disagree as to whether cold fusion, the controlled power of the hydrogen bomb in the laboratory, is possible. In the past, some believed that e.....................s................under la........................с.......................using palladium and platinum electrodes could in fact cause heavy hydrogen atoms to fuse into helium and release energy, as the sun does. In carefully controlled experiments, researchers believed they could ma..........................the v................................arising from the complexity of the electrodes and other equipment used. In such со..........................со........................., I they argued, cold fusion was possible. However, attempts to r...............................some of the experiments which claimed to be successful failed, and many now believe that cold fusion is in fact theoretically impossible.

Some linguists believe that we can best d how language is processed by laboratory experiments. However, laboratory experiments are by definition ar………………………… and may not r……………………………what happens in the real world. Other linguists believe, therefore, that em………………………о…………………….is better/ and prefer to carry out f……………………………studies and с……………………………. studies of individuals in na………………………… se…………………………. .In this way, i……………….-d…………….. data can be с…………………… by observers without i…………………….. with the process in any way, even though this may be a more t………………………. –c……………………. method. However, individual studies in real situations may not be r…………………….of the general p…………………..of second language learners. In short, both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages.

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