Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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пособие для 4 курса

2 Correct the eight spelling and other vocabulary mistakes in these sentences.
1 It was very difficult to make reliable interferences from the data as we had so little.
2 A correlational study is a good way of seeing if one phenomena is related to another in a system way.
3 The experiment neither proved nor deproved Jessop's theory.
4 We had to explain the unusual scores of five of the subjets in the sample, who all had totals well below the norm. It was possible there were unaccuracies in the data.
5 An exterior observer can often unintentionally erupt the behaviour of the subjects they are observing.

Key Adjectives

For any adjective it is useful to know whether it is typically followed by a specific preposition and whether it has any synonyms (adjectives with a similar meaning) or antonyms (adjectives of opposite meaning).

A Adjectives and prepositions
Here are some extracts from academic texts, with adjectives followed by to or of.

Language development is conceived as relative1 to one's own past performance, or relative to that of others.

Some of the responses to the questionnaire were specific4 to young male respondents, others were common5 to all the respondents.

How can we make science relevant to environmental policy? Poor communication between scientists and politicians is characteristic3 of the situation today.

We need to plan technologies which are appropriate6 to the needs of small farmers, It was typical of the farmers in the study that they had a negative attitude to technology.

1 true to a particular degree when it is being compared with other things 2 connected with what is happening or being discussed 3 (rather formal) typical of 4 only found in 5 belonging to or shared by two or more people or things 6 suitable or right for a particular situation or occasion

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