Методическое пособие по английскому языку для студентов 4 курса, обучающихся по программе бакалавриата

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пособие для 4 курса

Partich's book is an extremely broad work.

  • Sorlan's book was a very significant work in the development of political theory.

  • This software will be quite useful in the analysis of large amounts of numerical data.

  • The method she outlines is very interesting to anyone investigating sleeplessness.

    'You know' is an expression which is very frequent in informal spoken English.

    2 Reading

    Task 1. Read the following text about Globalization and Economic Policy and do the tasks.

    Forces driving globalization
    The main drivers of globalization are:
    1) Cost factors. Companies are looking for cheaper labour and manufacturing costs to enable them to stay competitive, so they outsource to other countries. The country receiving the inward investment benefits from the creation of jobs, skills development and technology transfer. Its low costs give it a major competitive advantage.
    2) Market factors. As domestic markets become saturated, so emerging markets offer new opportunities. The BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, China) could dominate world trade in the 21st century, as the US did in the 20th and the UK in the 19th. In any case, companies need to establish a global presence because customers are also global. It is dangerous to stand aside as competitors merge and make alliances.
    3) Technology factors. The Internet makes comparison of supply chain costs easy for manufacturers, and comparison of final price easy for the end-user. Mobile communications allow employees to keep in touch all over the world. Software tools on company intranets allow managers to access information anywhere, anytime.
    4) Global business cycle. The 'business cycle' - shown below - used to happen separately in different national economies. With the integrated global economy, it is now international.

    • recovery (= upswing)

    • growth (= expansion / boom)

    • recession (= contraction / downturn)

    • depression (= slump)

    In every turn of the cycle, the pace of globalization is likely to increase - particularly during the 'recovery' and 'growth' phases.
    Remember that not all recessions lead to a depression -there might just be a mild slowdown in the economy (seen as a reduction in GDP - gross domestic product).

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