Networks and telecommunications Linked [lɪŋkt] Связанный/байланысқан

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Week 7

Week 7
Practical WORK №19
Topic: Networks and telecommunications
Linked [lɪŋkt] – Связанный/байланысқан
Local computer [ˈləʊkəl kəmˈpjuːtə] Локальный компьютер/жергілікті компьютер
WAN (Wide Area Network) [ ˈləʊkl ] [ ˈeəriə ] [ ˈnetwɜːk ] -Локальная сеть/
LAN (Local Area Network) [ waɪd ] [ ˈeəriə ] [ ˈnetwɜːk ] - Глобальная сеть
Router / hub [ ˈruː.tər ] / [ hʌb ] - Маршрутизатор/Хаб
Area [ˈe(ə)rɪə] - область, район, сфера, зона
Global [ˈgləʊbəl] – Глобальный/ауқымды
physical media [ˈfɪzɪkəl ˈmedɪə] - физические носители
satellite transmissions [ˈsæt(ɪ)laɪt trænzˈmɪʃn] спутниковые передачи
Wireless Media [ˈwaɪəlɪs ˈmiːdɪəm] Беспроводные носители
Fibre-optic cable [ ˈfaɪ.bər ] [ ˈɒp.tɪk ] [ ˈkeɪbl ] Опто-волоконный кабель

1. Reading. Read the text and translate
A Network consist of two or more computers that are linked in order to share resourse. Local computer networks is the network to which all computers in the same building are connected. Two variations of a WAN are: Modem and Hub. The LAN is confined to a small area. WAN is consist of two or more LANs and connected by routers. NTERNET is global network. The most networks consist of Communication media and Communication hardware.
Communication is a transmission of data from one computer to another. An example of physical media is satellite transmissions An example of communication hardware is Modem. Radio signals, microwaves, and satellite transmissions are all types of Wireless Media. The modem is a Communications hardware device that facilitates the transmission of data. Fibre-optic cable is the least expensive type of cable.

Week 7
Practical WORK №20
Topic: Networks and telecommunications

Protocol [ ˈprəʊ.tə.kɒl ] Протокол

Geographic area [ʤɪəˈgræfɪk ˈe(ə)rɪə] Географическая зона
Topology [ tɒpˈɒl.ə.dʒi ] Топология
Starlike [ˈstɑːˌlaɪk] Звездный/жұлдызшалы
Ring [rɪŋ] кольцо/сақина
Treelike [ˈtrelɪk] древовидный/ағаш түрі
1. Reading. Read the text and translate
A hub is a combination of hardware and software that links two different networks that use different protocols. A telecommunications network is a global network. A computer network is complex of hardware and software that implement information exchange between PCs. On these grounds can you classify computer networks: Geographic area, Speed of work, Topology. The topology of the local network can be: Starlike, Ring, of the treelike.

2. Read Katharina’s email to Agatha. Compleate this email with the worlds in the box

Week 7
Practical WORK №21

  1. Lestening

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