Түйін сөздер: спорттық бағдарлау, іріктеу, команда құру, іріктеу әдістері.
Nurzhakiev ‒ 1st year master student of the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism
Kulbaev ‒ Scientific adviser, PhD
Annotation. The article considers the methodological aspects of the organization of sports competitions in Greco-Roman
wrestling. During the Greco-Roman wrestling, first of all, the athlete must have a very good health, the athlete must be very
psychologically restrained, in the Greco-Roman wrestling, the athlete must be physically very well. Greco-Roman wrestling
requires more physical strength than other types of wrestling, and the athlete must have a good functional workout. Technical
methods of Greco-Roman wrestling differ from other types of wrestling. Greco-Roman wrestling is a form of wrestling that
goes above the waist. Greco-Roman wrestling techniques are also performed with high amplitude. Therefore, it is necessary to
pay more attention to the qualities of flexibility, speed and agility of athletes. One of the most important things is to pay special
attention to the strength of the muscles of the wrists, arms, legs and waist. Greco-Roman wrestling is divided into three age
categories. These are teenagers, young people, adults [1]. Regardless of age, in all three age categories there is a large
competition. The first is the national championship. The winner of the national championship in his weight category will be sent
to international competitions. Participated in international tournaments, Asian championships, world championships. Our
athletes, selected for national championships, should regularly conduct trainings before international competitions. The health
of some athletes is a threat during training, and even during such regular training, the opinion of coaches and the choice of some
athletes can not be ignored. It also depends on the athletic ability of the athlete. Therefore, each coach is obliged to pay close
attention to the choice of athletes. By means of such a strict selection, we must select the strongest athletes who will defend the
honor of our country on the international channels of our country.