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The purpose of this work was to reveal the role of telemedicine as a new 
direction of health care in Kazakhstan. The tasks of my work include coverage of such issues 
as trends in the development of telemedicine, the need for information standards in medicine, 
the use of video conferencing in telemedicine, consideration of telemedicine as a tool to 
improve the efficiency of the treatment and diagnostic process, the capabilities of 
telemedicine technologies.
Materials and research methods: 
to analyze the development of telemedicine in 
Kazakhstan, review the state directions for the development of telemedicine.
Research results. 
In the past few years, the Republic of Kazakhstan has been trying to 
implement projects related to the development of the
national telemedicine sphere. As 
elsewhere, telemedicine here has two major aspects:

increasing the level of education and professionalism of medical specialists due 
to the fact that leading doctors, professors and academicians will be able to lecture and 
arrange seminars for a large number of specialists at a distance, also novice surgeons will be 
able to «be present
at all complex operations and visually observe the subtlest aspects of the 

improving the quality of medical services for the population - not only due to 
the growth of professionalism of doctors, but also taking into account the ability of patients to 
use the services of specialists from other cities without traveling to other cities. 
Foreign practice shows that the creation of telemedicine «bridges
only between 
medical universities increases the quality of medical education by 10% or even a little more. 
And a single telemedicine network of universities and main polyclinics only at the basic level 
(i.e. internal teleconferences between doctors and specialists) increases the quality of 
qualifications of graduates, interns and postgraduates by 26%, and this is not counting the 
second major aspect of telemedicine 
- remote provision of medical services to the population . 
Kazakhstani doctors and scientists fully support the general opinion about telemedicine. 
This innovation for the medicine of Kazakhstan will allow: 

significantly reduce the budgetary costs of medical institutions, which no 
longer have to spend on paying for business tri
ps of their employees;

to speed up and optimize the work associated with the transfer of medical data 
many times over. almost the entire structure of a medical institution;

to join the achievements of European medicine, which will significantly 
improve the 
qualifications of Kazakhstan's own specialists;

to significantly reduce the state budget expenditures for the provision of 
medical services to the population, because the transition to electronic medical records will 

significantly reduce the cost of equip
ping ordinary doctors' offices (therapeutic rooms and 
first aid rooms may disappear altogether);

to speed up and simplify the procedure of many types of medical care for the 
population (when, according to many initial consultations, one can not even leave 
the house - 
this is especially important for seriously ill elderly people) and make the services of European 
doctors more accessible. 
So, there are three main advantages: speed (mobility), budget savings and a 
comprehensive expansion of the scientific and applied medical field, both for doctors and 
At the end of November 2017, the forum 
«Investments in Healthcare of the Republic of 
was held, at which the Ministry of Health determined that one trillion tenge was 
required to reboot the medical sector. This is an exorbitant amount, the burden of which will 
eventually fall on the taxpayers. 
The telemedicine alternative will save hundreds of millions by redirecting these funds, 
for example, to increase the salary of medical workers. Given that the government of the 
country supports an even broader, general program «Digital Kazakhstan
, from its side the 
choice between telemedicine and an expensive infrastructure project should be obvious.
A few years ago, Kazakhstan began to deploy a program to create a 
unified telemedicine network, which should include at least all municipal polyclinics and 
medical centers, together with medical universities, primarily state institutions. The creation 
of information-distance medicine involves 5 stages: 

purchase of a server with which you can use satellite communications;

video and audio equipment for operating rooms, intensive care and laboratory 
departments (demonstration of complex, advanced methods for other specialists has always 
been the firs
t task for domestic telemedicine);

similar equipment for classrooms in medical universities;

similar equipment in other universities, the departments of which somehow 
overlap with the medical field;

creation of a unified information database that allows you to instantly send any 
medical data to any institution registered in the telemedicine network. 
In Kazakhstan, partly implemented software (in cooperation with MDS Company) 
called DiViSy. This software product was developed by DiViSy Group 
- it is one of the main 
developers of telemedicine technologies on the market today. The commercial geostationary 
telecommunication satellite KazSat-3 is used for data transmission. 


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