Narxoz Student Research-2021
capital and current repair plans. This is due to insuffi
cient fi nancing
for networks’ repair and maintenance. Moreover, failure in fulfi lling
the planned estimates for current repairs takes place. Every year the
utility develops organizational and technical measures to prepare for
the autumn-winter period in order to increase the reliability of the
equipment. However, they are formal and their implementation is
cult to control.
Having experienced a diffi
cult economic situation, lack of funds
and low consumers’ bill payment, the utility has limited its operating
expenses up to an absolute minimum, which resulted in a reduction
of services provided and insuffi
cient wastewater processing. Currently,
more than 25% of water systems across the country including in the
Zhambyl region do not meet sanitary requirements [3]. Moreover,
sharp discrepancy between water tariff and sewerage tariff can be
an indirect indicator of low-level effl
uent treatment. For instance, in
Karatau the average water tariff (by all users’ groups) including VAT
is 32.76 tg (0.08 USD) and sewerage tariff is 6.35 tg (0.015 USD). The
fi nancial cost estimates for construction of Katatau treatment plant will
have completed in 2020. Effl
uent is withdrawn to the storage pond with
the capacity of 8.5 mln. m³, where waste water accumulates during the
year, treated and, then, discharged during the fl ooding period.
Based on the correlation SWOT analysis we сould possibly conclude
that given the low population density in small towns and economic
activity of local population, Karatau water utility cannot provide viable
centralized (piped) water supply, as system often struggles with low
fi nancial sustainability, as well as technical capacity. Taking into
under-performance of water company, rehabilitation and replacement
of obsolete water pipes can be exclusively implemented be means of
state budget transfers and subsidies.
However, to minimize the threats enhancing fi nancial stability of
the water utility should be in focus. This might be possibly achieved
either by attracting foreign investment and development of public-
private partnership mechanisms or by setting real tariff s that ensure
profi tability of service operator.
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