Narxoz Student Research-2021
бəсекеге қабілетті ауыл шаруашылығы өнімін өндіруді ынталан-
дыру мақсатында мемлекеттік шараларды жетілдіру жөнінде про-
блемалар ашылып, ұсыныстар берілді.
Statement of a scientifi c problem.
The agro-industrial complex is
the main sector of the economy of Kazakhstan. This includes industries
that produce, process, and sell products. The main food products of the
agro-industrial complex are fl our products, dairy and meat products,
beverages, confectionery and fat-and-oil products, etc. In addition, this
complex provides agriculture with capital resources.
The total output of the agriculture and fi sheries sector for 2020 was
5.6 percent higher compared to the same period in 2019.
Important Laws and regulations that defi nes the scope of the AIC are
- the law of RK “On state regulation of development of agro-industrial
complex and rural territories” [1], “On agricultural cooperatives”,
“On grain”, Land and Water Codes, the State program of agricultural
development in 2017-2021уу. [2].
It is worth pointing out that in the agro-industrial complex there
are the following problems in Kazakhstan: low rates of modernization
of fi xed assets and attracting investment, insuffi
cient infrastructure
development, high small-scale production, acute shortage of qualifi ed
engineering personnel, etc.
All these problems have a negative impact on the intensifi cation and
productivity of agriculture. In addition, they seriously reduce the level
of competitiveness of agricultural production.
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