Для того чтобы понимать в какую сторону двигаться и каким
образом продвигать тот или иной бренд, всегда необходимо уде-
лять внимание предшествующему анализу рынка, то есть понять
лояльность к бренду, его узнаваемость, как и в каком количестве
потребляют продукт производимый предприятием.
Қай бағытта қозғалу керектігін жəне белгілі бір брендті қалай
ілгерілету керектігін түсіну үшін əрдайым алдыңғы нарық талда-
уларына назар аудару қажет, яғни брендтің адалдығын, оның та-
нылуын, тауар қалай жəне қандай мөлшерде өндіретінін түсіну
First, it is necessary to establish those relationships with potential
consumers that fi rst of all meet the requirements for promoting the
enterprise in order to be able to infl uence consumer behavior in the future
and get the most out of this and eff ectively integrate their services and
products. The most important goal of this approach is to give the brand
a distinct look and distinguish it from other competing businesses, so
that potential consumers who fi rst encounter the brand have a sense of
recognition. Thus, you can easily promote your services on the market.
Based on these arguments, it is possible to build a certain
methodology that will meet all the requirements, distinguishing the
enterprise from other companies and thus enable the consumer to
build brand associations and build an easy and relaxed interaction with
consumers. Thus, the technique is as follows:
- Ability to convey the main mission. If an enterprise has a goal to
sell as much of its products as possible, while showing its environmental
friendliness, which makes it stand out, then special attention must be
paid to this.
- Build a personalized approach. An enterprise can sell to a broad
mass, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account each
group of customers and segment it according to various criteria.
- Improve consumer perception. The consumer’s expectations for
the use of the company’s product can be high, but the attention must
be focused on the perception. Because if the consumer’s expectation is
high, and the perception ultimately falls in a negative direction, then it