many consequences in it. Therefore, future investigations using survey
among women, give more information about spending habits, awareness
of fast fashion and effects of financial position when buying clothing more
deeply, cause the past investigations did not cover the attitudes of females
on clothing mechanism and make the sum of the threats of shopping.
Seemly, as clothes become cheaper and fashion becomes ‘faster’,
balancing consumption with environmental, economic and social
sustainability becomes harder. Moreover, environmental concerns go
hand-in-hand with social concerns about the employment of low-paid
workers in developing countries, particularly their working hours and
safety, and the use of child labor.
This study aims to figure out women attitude to quality and quantity
when buying clothing and relationships between awareness of women and
environmental issues due to overzealous usage of clothing by women.
Research will capture all spheres of fast fashion influences and further
issues that would be made throughout in-comprehensive human actions. It
is seeking the answers to the questions; do women value quality or quantity
when buying clothing? And their workplace impact on their clothing habit
and financial position, and how «fast fashion» impact on the environment.
The research was gathered by the primary data using inductive
approach applying interview and survey. The good illustration of this
is talking face-to-face with respondent whether the interviewee keen
of the asked questions or there are some confusing gaps and online
survey to get relevant data with numbers and statistics by easy method
of gathering information.
Five open-ended questions were directed to figure out the main
issues that women stumble upon and their preferences in clothing. They
helped to identify the view of some females to the problem which appear
during the consumption of clothes. The research includes thematic
analysis of the interview that shows the achievement of research question.
The sample used for this study includes females between ages of
eighteen to thirty. The interviewees were randomly selected by non-
probability sampling at the different days. The respondent interviewed at
the separate places by the same correspondent. The interview they were
enthralling when they walking at the streets, eating their dinner, sitting at the
box office or waiting at the bus stop. For survey, the sample group was 60
respondents between ages of eighteen to thirty also, which were randomly
surveyed by sending them the blank via Internet. Firstly, they were asked
their ages and then, started to interview, if they are suitable to this age group.
The reasons for the selection of this age group were: females of 18-30 are
earning money for domestic consumption by themselves. So, asking about
buying habits more suitable for this age group; interviewees are independent
from other financial position or preferences; the sample was easy and safe
to get access to and this age group is more interested in current research
field. Young people are more likely to be aware of the problems related
with clothing industry, so any issues or barriers for them were likely to be
genuine and their opinions very useful.
The interview questions helps to identify whether females value
quality rather than quantity in shopping. Nevertheless, the quantity of
clothes doesn’t mentioned, so it is approve that quality of clothes have
more possess among women from 18 to 30. The result, identifying from
interview, different from previous investigation, because previous study
shows that quantity of clothes is more valuable than quality. There
was written that millions of garments are produced per year due to fast
fashion. However, the demands of respondents relatively lower than in
the fact file. So, the most valuable thing in clothing is not the amount of
clothes, it is suitableness of clothe on the female, size and quality. But
the research was conducted on females from 18 to 30, so the credibility
of the answers may not be true for older people.
As it was mentioned this study shows that in modern world quality
of clothes is better that their amount, because it will be look like wealthy
and will give a warm for the body. Moreover, this question helps us to
identify that females does not like an animals. They really do not thing
about ways of making coat. It was double-faced question, because it finds
out value of cloth and females, which are indifferent to animal’s life.
As the results show, woman first of all look at the price then size and
lastly to quality and brand (Figure 1). They divide into categories that help
to choose cloth to satisfy their wishes. All these details categorized by
females, so the most valuable detail in clothing has the biggest percentage.
Figure 1 – Percentage of
parameters on that females pay
Figure 2 – Influences of financial
state of females on shopping