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Мақалада Батыс Қазақстанның құрғақ дала аймағында судан шөбін өсірудің бейімделген 
технологияларын әзірлеу бойынша зерттеулердің деректері келтірілген. Судан шөбі − 
құрғақшылыққа төзімді және пластикалық дақыл ретінде фермерлер арасында үлкен сұранысқа ие. 
Оның технологиясының маңызды сәттерінің бірі – жасыл массасының ору биіктігі. Зерттеулер 
көрсеткендей, Батыс Қазақстанда өнімділік пен сапаны арттыру үшін судан шөбінің жасыл 
массасын 5 см деңгейінде шабу керек. Көрсетілген режимдегі зерттеулерде орта есеппен 3 жыл 
ішінде судан шөбінің жасыл массасының өнімділігі 118,83 ц/га құрады, жемшөп бірлігінің өнімділігі 
23,15 ц/га болған кезде ақуыз өнімділігі 2,16 ц/га деңгейінде болды. 
Түйін сөздер: судан шөбі, бейінді технология, ору биіктігі, өнімділік, өнім сапасы. 
Б.Н. Насиев 
В статье приводятся данные исследований по разработке адаптивных технологии 
возделывания суданской травы в зоне сухих степей Западного Казахстана. Суданская трава – как 
засухоустойчивая и пластичная культура имеет большую првлекательность среди фермеров. 
Одним из важных моментов ее технологии является высота среза укосной массы. Как показали 
данные исследований, в Западном Казахстане для повышения продуктивноси и качества, 
целесообразно скашивать зеленую массу суданской травы на уровне 5 см. В исследованиях при 
указанном режиме в среднем за 3 года урожайность зеленой массы суданской травы составила 
118,83 ц/га. При продуктивности кормовых единиц 23,15 ц/га сбор протеина был на уровне 2,16 
ц/га. Высота среза на уровне 5 см является оптимальным для отрастания суданской травы послк 
Ключевые слова: суданская трава, адаптивная технология, высота среза, урожайность, 
IRSTI 68.05.29 
B. Nasiyev, A. Galiyev 
Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University 
Abstract: The article discusses the results of research on the degradation of vegetation cover of 
forage lands in the semidesert zone. As shown by geobotanical research data, a clear predominance of 
vegetation degradation over other processes of desertification is characteristic of forage lands in the 
Bokeyurdinsky and Zhangalinsky districts of the West Kazakhstan region. The analysis of materials obtained 
in the course of scientific research on the territories of forage lands in the semi-desert zone of Western 
Kazakhstan allowed us to distinguish 3 classes of desertification by degradation of vegetation cover. In 
zhangali district, vegetation and soil cover of pastures of Zhanakazan rural district are most degraded; in the 
rest of The territory, degradation has 1 and 2 degrees. 
Key words: degradation, vegetation, productivity, pastures, desertification. 
The progressive desertification of the semi-desert zone of Western Kazakhstan is caused 
by the development of two main processes related to human economic activity: degradation of 
vegetation cover and degradation of soil cover. On the territory of the southern regions of the 
region, on a much smaller scale, there are processes of man-made desertification caused by 
technical means (machines, mechanisms) during the construction of mines, wells, industrial 
facilities, roads or when using vehicles in off-road conditions, which often leads to the complete 
destruction of very fragile arid ecosystems. A distinctive feature of vegetation and soil cover of 
desolate steppes is complexity. It is caused by a large lack of moisture and huge evaporation in 
which vegetation and soils react to the slightest changes in the water regime of surface horizons. 
In addition to aridity, its formation is facilitated by the youth of the territory, the strong salinity of 
soil-forming rocks and the equalization of the terrain [1, 2, 3, 4]. 
When studying the vegetation cover of forage lands, we used satellite multispectral images 
of average (15-30 m/pixel) resolution obtained from the Landsat TM spacecraft. 

ISSN 1607-2774 
Семей қаласының Шәкәрім атындағы мемлекеттік университетінің хабаршысы № 4(92)2020 
In the course of studying the vegetation cover of the grassland Bagautdinova district, we 
obtained the following results. 
State of vegetation cover of transect No. 1, which is located on the territories of Temir 
Masinsky rural district, the state of vegetation cover reflects long-term derived communities. The 
projective cover of native vegetation is 17.76 %. The height of the herbage is 30.61 cm. Ruderal 
plants and tropics of livestock were not found on the site. The pasture feed yield was 3.63 C/ha, 
with a modern productivity of 80.32 %. At this site, the decrease in feed stocks was 3.59 %. In 
General, according to the assessment criteria, this site corresponds to 1 weak degree of vegetation 
According to research data, on the territory of Bokeyurda district, forage lands with 1 weak 
degree of vegetation degradation are identified in Urda (pastures, transect No. 9), Muratsay 
(pastures, transect No. 8) rural districts. Long-term derived plant communities are common in 
these forage areas. Projected coverage of native vegetation at the level of 18.68-1942%. On these 
sites, the number of livestock paths and ruderal plants were not found. The decrease in feed 
stocks with the current productivity of forage lands of 82.22-83.14% is 3.31-3.69%. The yield of 
pasture stands is 3.99-4.15 C/ha. Plant height at the level of 31.38-32.05 cm. 
Transect No. 2 is located on the territory of pastures of Temir Masinsky rural district. On this 
transect, the projective cover of pastures of indigenous vegetation is 14.37%, and ruderal 
vegetation is 2%, the number of livestock paths is 5 PCs per 20 sq.m. The decrease in feed 
reserves with the current pasture productivity of 78.32% is 5.11 %. The yield of pasture grass was 
3.13 C/ha. The presence of plants-indicators of desertification were not noted. The height of the 
herbage is 29.17 cm. According to the assessment criteria, the vegetation cover of the pasture has 
2 moderate degrees of degradation. 
In the Bokeiurda district, forage lands with a moderate degree of vegetation degradation are 
also established in the territories of pastures of Muratsay (transect No. 7), Urda (transect No. 10), 
Bisensky (transect No. 11), Temir Masinsky (transect No. 12) and Uyala rural districts (transect No. 
14). On pastures, the yield of grass stands at a plant height of 23.89-28.79 cm was at the level of 
2.58-2.87 C/ha. Projected coverage of pastures with native vegetation at the level of 13.46-14.31 
%. Current productivity is 60.12-77.91 % of the potential. On pastures, a decrease in feed stocks 
was found from 5.93 to 6.88 %. 
Transect No. 3 (pastures of Binsen rural district) according to research has a very strong 
degree of degradation of vegetation cover. Short-term derived plant communities are common 
here. On the specified pasture, the projective cover of indigenous vegetation is 7.86%, the number 
of livestock paths is 11 PCs per 20 sq.m. The decrease in feed reserves with the current pasture 
productivity of 35.22% is 12.48 %. The yield of pasture grass is 1.48 C/ha, with a plant height of 
21.15 cm. Alhagi pseudalhagi, Euphórbia, Anabasis aphylla, Xanthium strumarium, and Datura are 
found among the degradation indicator plants. 
In the Bokeyurda district, pastures with a very high degree of vegetation degradation are 
also established in the territories of Urda (transect No. 4), Saikha (transects No. 5 and 6), Uyala 
(transect No.13) and Saralzhinsky rural districts (transect No. 15). 
In the Bokeyurda district, there are 270 230.3 hectares of forage land. On the territory of the 
district, the following forage lands are distributed: 
1) Feather grass forage lands with a predominance of feather grass; 
2) Ciaco-tyrsikova feeding grounds; 
3) Green field feeding Grounds; 
4) Forage lands with a predominance of volosnets, veynik, MII, beskilnitsy, soft-stemmed 
grasses of stalk-less stalk, Wheatgrass, creeping Wheatgrass, foxtail; 
5) Solyanka feeding grounds with a predominance of Kokpek; 
6) Ephemeral feeding grounds with a predominance of bonfires; 
7) Solyanka forage lands with a predominance of sarsazan, Sveda, warty Swan, annual 
solyanok, ebelek, Tatar Swan; 
8) Modification vegetation (itsigek, leafless ezhovnik, saline ezhovnik, milkweed, licorice); 
9) Forage lands with a predominance of granary, yerkek and tyrsik; 
11) Cernopolni grasslands with a predominance of black sagebrush and odnopestichnyj; 
12) Grasslands with a predominance of rushuna; 

ISSN 1607-2774 
Вестник Государственного университета имени Шакарима города Семей № 4(92) 2020 
13) Tipchak Feeding grounds with a predominance of tipchak, Becker's fescue and tonkop; 
14) Forage areas with a predominance of Tamarix. 
Of the total area in the district, forage lands with 3 degrees of degradation are distributed on 
an area of 107,860. 7 ha (39.91%). 97,424. 1 ha or 36.05 % of forage lands are degraded to 2 
moderate degrees. On 48,744. 2 ha, forage lands with signs of 1 weak degree of degradation are 
distributed. The share of hayfields and pastures with indicators of 1 degree is 18.04 % of the total 
land area. 16 201.3 ha or 6.00% of forage land has no signs of degradation. The data obtained in 
the course of geobotanical studies of the vegetation cover of forage lands indicate a significant 
depth of degradation processes, since in the territory of the district, forage lands with signs of 3 
severe degrees of degradation make up 107,860. 7 ha or 39.91 % of the total area. However, by 
organizing techniques to improve the condition of degraded forage lands, it is possible to restore 
their bio – productivity, which is favourably promoted by climatic conditions- temperature, 
precipitation, SCC and radiation. 
According to the results of research conducted in 2020, it was found that within the 
Zhangalinsky district, forage lands located in the Northern part are degraded to a lesser extent 
compared to the lands of the southern part. Pastures Czlapinski (transect No. 4), Kopzhasarova (of 
transect No. 7) and Lastexitcode rural districts (transects No. 9) is not degraded. In these pastures, 
the yield of grass stands at a plant height of 42.64-49.88 cm was 5.38-6.30 C/ha. Projected 
coverage of pastures with native vegetation at the level of 29.48-32.11 %. Current pasture 
productivity from potential at the level of 89.81-92.25 % with a decrease in the feed stock of 1.98-
In the course of our research on the territory of Brliksogo, Pyatimarsky, Mendeshevsky, 
Mashteksaysky and Kopzhasarsky rural districts, we identified pastures with 1 weak degree of 
vegetation degradation (transects 1, 2, 5, 6 and 8). Projected coverage of native pasture 
vegetation in the range of 16.87-19.92 %. The height of the grass stands is 33.74-39.12 cm. The 
yield of grasslands in the absence of livestock paths is 3.57-4.48 c/ha. The current pasture 
productivity is 80.74-85.42 %, with a decrease in feed reserves of 2.00-2.52 %. 
Research data shows that on transects 3 (pastures, Pyatimarsky rural district), 10 
(haymaking Mashteksaysky rural district) and 14, 15 (pastures Zhanakazansky rural district), the 
projected coverage of forage lands with indigenous vegetation at the level of 13.15-14.95 %, and 
ruderal vegetation 1-2 %. The number of livestock paths is 5-7 PCs per 20 sq.m. the decrease in 
feed stocks with the current productivity of forage lands of 54.24-62.15% is 6.51-7.93 %. The yield 
of grass stands at a height of 24.89-32.15 cm was 2.86-3.48 c/ha. According to the assessment 
criteria, the vegetation cover of these forage lands has 2 moderate degrees of vegetation 
In the Zhangali district, forage lands with 3 degrees of degradation are established on the 
territory of Zhanazhol and Zhanakazan rural districts of transects No. 11, 12 and 13. Projected 
coverage of land with indigenous vegetation 5.84-7.75 %, ruderal vegetation 3%. The yield of 
grass stands is 1.14-2.05 c/ha. Tracks of cattle up to 9-12 PCs/20 POG.m indicates a greater load 
and a high degree of trampling of land by sheep. Reduced current productivity from potential 
(38.12-43.75 %), feed stocks are reduced to 11.57 - 14.74%. The ecosystem of these transects is 
represented by short-term-derived communities. The height of herbage plants was 17.44-20.44 cm 
In the Zhangali district, there are 357,268. 0 ha of forage land. On the territory of the district, 
the following forage lands are distributed: 
1) Kiyako-tyrsikovye forage lands; 
2) Green-Field forage lands with a predominance of poorly eaten sagebrush, Shagyr and 
3) Forage areas with a predominance of volosnets, veynik, MII, beskilnitsy; 
4) Forage areas with a predominance of soft-stemmed grasses of boneless stalk, cornless 
Wheatgrass, beskilnitsy, foxtail; 
5) Solyanka feeding grounds with a predominance of Kokpek; 
6) Ephemeral feeding grounds with a predominance of bonfires; 
7) Solyanka forage lands with a predominance of sarsazan, Sveda, warty Swan, annual 
solyanok, ebelek, Tatar Swan; 
8) Modification of vegetation; 
9) Forage lands with a predominance of granary; 

ISSN 1607-2774 
Семей қаласының Шәкәрім атындағы мемлекеттік университетінің хабаршысы № 4(92)2020 
11) Cernopolni grasslands with a predominance of black sagebrush and odnopestichnyj; 
12) Fescue grasslands. 
Of the total area in the district, 19,583. 0 ha (5.48%) is forage land with a high 3 degree of 
degradation. 42,852. 1 ha or 12.00% of forage land is degraded to a moderate 2 degree. On 
140,448. 1 ha, forage lands with signs of 1 weak degree of degradation are distributed. The share 
of hayfields and pastures with indicators of 1 degree is 39.31% of the total land area. 154,384. 8 ha 
or 43.21% of forage land has no signs of degradation. 
The data obtained in the course of geobotanical studies of the vegetation cover of forage 
lands indicate a weak depth of degradation processes, since in the territories of the district, forage 
lands with signs of 3 strong degrees of degradation make up 19,583. 0 ha or 5.48 % of the total 
By organizing techniques to improve the condition of degraded forage lands, it is possible to 
restore their bio-productivity. 
Climate conditions such as temperature, precipitation, SCC, and radiation favorably 
contribute to the restoration of the bioresource potential of forage lands in the Zhangalinsky district. 
According to research data, a clear predominance of vegetation degradation over other 
processes of desertification is characteristic of the forage lands of the Bokeyurda and Zhangali 
districts of the West Kazakhstan region. 
The analysis of materials obtained in the course of scientific research on the territories of 
forage lands of the semi-desert zone allowed us to distinguish the following classes of 
desertification by degradation of vegetation cover: 
Weak desertification. The state of ecosystems is close to the background level. The main 
dominant composition of plants is preserved in the vegetation cover. The vitality of the plants is 
good. These include mainly stable natural ecosystems (with a low internal risk of desertification) of 
medium-loamy soil surfaces. 
Moderate desertification. The dominant composition of plant communities in the main part 
of the territory is preserved, but the vitality of well-eaten and dominant species is somewhat 
weakened by the alienation of shoots. There are clearly visible traces of sheep grazing on the 
pasture. The number of plant species and the projective cover are reduced by 1.5 times in 
comparison with the class of weak desertification. The participation of ruderal plants increases. 
This class includes relatively stable ecosystems with a moderate internal risk of desertification. 
Severe desertification. The dominant composition of plant communities in some areas is 
strongly disturbed. The plant species that are eaten are eaten to the limit, their vitality is 
significantly weakened, and they are undersized. The grass cover is often sparse or absent. The 
projective coverage of dominants and sodominants is reduced to 5 %, and the participation of 
ruderal vegetation is increased to 3 %. Annual production is reduced by 3-4 times. This class is 
formed mainly by unstable ecosystems characterized by a strong internal risk of desertification. 
According to geobotanical studies, 60 species were identified in the floristic composition of 
the studied forage lands in the semidesert zone of the West Kazakhstan region. 
Ecological analysis of the flora in the studied forage lands of the semi-desert zone of the 
West Kazakhstan region showed that part of the flora consists of mesophilic species - 21 species 
or 35.00% of the total flora. The xerophilic group includes 16 species (26.66 %) of the total number 
of flora. Plants xeromesophyte group consist of 4 types (6.66 per cent), and gidrofilnye hydrophilic 
groups, respectively, 3 of a kind or 5.00 %.Therophytes represent 3 species or 5.00 %. Halophytes 
are represented by 10 species and make up 16.68% of the species composition of forage lands 
(Figure 1). 
Figure 1 – Ecological groups of flora and vegetation of forage lands in the semidesert zone
of the West Kazakhstan region, 2020 

ISSN 1607-2774 
Вестник Государственного университета имени Шакарима города Семей № 4(92) 2020 
Desolate areas are characterized by binomial, three-and four-member communities, called 
spotted or "Chub" steppes. The predominant components of such steppes are grasses (Stipa 

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