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Elementary school 
The elementary school consists of the first seven years of school, that 
is, grades 1 through 5 or 6, as well as kindergarten , a preliminary year of 
school before grade 1 (known in England and Wales as ' Reception '). 
Originally, however, it was studied after primary school in the 19th century, 
(some schools that have only the youngest students are called primary schools 
to this day). Also known as grammar school in the United States it is a major 
segment of compulsory education. Until the latter third of the 20th century, 
however, grammar school (or elementary school) was grades 1 through 8. 
After grammar school, one usually attends high school . (In many districts, 
grades 5-8 or 5-9 were called " middle school ", or further separated into " 
intermediate school ", "middle school", and/or " junior high school ".) 
Secondary education 
Secondary education, or secondary school , is a period of education which 
follows directly after primary education (such as intermediate school 
or elementary school ), and which may be followed by tertiary or "post-
secondary" education. The purpose of a secondary education can be to 

prepare for either higher education or vocational training . The exact 
boundary between primary and secondary education varies from country to 
country and even within them, but is generally around the seventh to the tenth 
year of education, with middle school covering any gaps. Secondary 
education occurs mainly during the teenage years. Primary and secondary 
education together are sometimes (in particular, in Canada and the United 
States ) referred to as " K-12 " education, ( K is for kindergarten , 12 is for 
twelfth grade). 
Grammar schools in the United Kingdom 
In education in the United Kingdom , a grammar school is a secondary school 
attended by pupils aged 11 to 18 to which entry is controlled by means of an 
academically selective process consisting, largely or exclusively, of a written 
examination . After leaving a grammar school, as with any other secondary 
school, a student may go into further education at a college or university . 
The examination is called the eleven plus . Partly due to the failure to fully 
implement the tri-partite system prescribed by the 1944 Education Act, the 
examination came to be seen as delivering a pass/fail result with the 
academically selected pupils passing and attending grammar schools and the 
remaining pupils being deemed to have failed and being consigned to the 
poorly funded schools euphemistically designated Secondary Modern Schools 

This arrangement proved politically unsustainable, and, over the period 1960 
to 1975, non-selective ("comprehensive") education was instituted across a 
substantial majority of the country. The eleven plus examination had been 
championed by the educational psychologist Cyril Burt and the uncovering of 
his fraudulent research played a minor part in accelerating this process. 
To understand grammar schools in the UK, some history is needed. After 
World War II , the government reorganised the secondary schools into two 

basic types. Secondary moderns were intended for children who would be 
going into a trade and concentrated on the basics plus practical skills; 
grammar schools were intended for children who would be going on to higher 
education and concentrated on the classics, science, etc. This system lasted 
until the 1960s, at which point changes in the political climate led to the 
general acceptance that this was a discriminatory system which was not 
getting the best out of all children. This was partly because some authorities 
tended to prioritise their budgets on the grammar schools, damaging the 
education prospects of children attending secondary moderns. 
The decision was taken to switch to a single type of school designed to give 
every child a complete education. That is why this new type of school is 
called a comprehensive school. However the timetable of the changeover was 
left to the local authorities, some of whom were very resistant to the whole 
idea and thus dragged their feet for as long as possible. The result is that there 
is now a mixture. Most authorities run a proper comprehensive system, a few 
run essentially the old system of secondary moderns and grammar schools 
(except the secondary moderns are now called "comprehensives"). Some run 
comprehensive schools along side one or two remaining grammar schools. 
The Labour government that came to power in 1997 instituted measures that 
allowed parents to force a local referendum on whether to abolish grammar 
schools in their area. The form of this referendum depends on whether there is 
still a full two-tier system running, in which case all parents with children at 
primary schools in the area are eligible to vote, or whether there are only a 
few grammar schools in the area, in which case only those parents with 
children at primaries that regularly send children to the grammar school are 
eligible. By 2003, only a few referenda had taken place and none of these had 
delivered the requisite majority for conversion. 
The debate over selective education has been widened by other measures 
introduced by the Labour government, allowing schools to select a portion of 

their intake by "aptitude" for a specific subject. There are many who think 
that selection allows children to receive the form of education best suited for 
their abilities, while "one-size-fits-all" comprehensives fail everybody 
equally. One of the greatest attacks on the comprehensive system is that it 
leads, in essence, to selection on the grounds of wealth as the good schools 
are generally located in areas with expensive housing, so children from poor 
areas are denied the possibility of attending them. Conversely, there are many 
who think that the selection of children at 11 divides them into "successes" 
and "failures" at that age, and is therefore wrong. The current Labour 
government, from the party that originally championed comprehensive 
education, appears to favour the first of these groups, and their introduction of 
local referenda on grammar schools has been attacked by opponents of 
selective education as an unworkable system designed to give the semblance 
of choice while maintaining the status quo. 
Private schools generally give the same sort of education as grammar schools, 
but there are exceptions; Gordonstoun for one. In areas where the local 
authority provides a comprehensive education – which some parents don't like 
for various reasons – independent schools are particularly common. 

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