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M.K. Tachmuradov, 
A.H. Amanakov, 
G.G. Akmuradova, 
senior lectureres, 
Turkmen state institute of architecture and construction, 
 city Ashgabat, Turkmenistan 
the modern engineering workplace requires more 
than strictly technical skills. Recruiters are often looking for a 
combination of technical ability and transferable or soft skills. 
Technical skills alone are not enough to ensure a successful 
engineering career, as engineers need to able to function as a member 
of a team, think critically, and have a strong work ethic. 
modern engineering, workplace, technical skills, 
technical ability. 
This year our institute is 10 years old. In 2012, the Turkmen 
Polytechnic Institute was closed and two new higher education 
institutions were established: Turkmen State Architecture and 
Construction Institute and the Turkmen State Institute of Oil and 
Gas. The Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute 
(TSACI) which was established in accordance with the Decree of the 
President of Turkmenistan № РР-6680 on May 25, 2012 «On 
establishment of the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction 
Institute» is one of the leading higher educational and scientific 
centers of engineering. Main task of the institute is preparation of 
highly skilled experts on the basis of world experience and 
knowledge of the developed countries and providing with 
engineering specialists of national economy, such as Construction, 
Industry, Energy branches and the enterprises of Chemical industry. 
Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute has 25 
departments in 7 faculties and students receive modern education and 
upbringing in 9 directions of training specialists and 29 specialties. 
More than 350 professors work at the Institute, 49 of them have 
scientific degrees, 6 doctors of science, 43 candidates of science, and 

about 3000 students receive education. 
With the purpose of integration of modern education of 
training and attraction of the students scientific – research work, the 
institute supports close contacts to industrial establishments of 
building, industrial, energy branches, the enterprises of the chemical 
industry, the Technological center, scientific research institutes of 
Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. 
Picture 1– 
Turkmen State Institute of Architecture and Construction 
Educational activity at institute is carried out by means of use 
of progressive world experience and innovative methods of training. 
In accordance with the important tasks defined in the state and 
national programs adopted by the National Leader, professors and 
teachers of the Institute are adequately provided with national and 
foreign textbooks and teaching manuals, and they accord with world 
standards of new innovative technologies, educational and technical 
equipment, the latest scientific achievements in the educational 
process including interactive multimedia, computer technology and 
the digital education system. For preparation of high-level specialists 
all the necessary conditions are created and the material base of 
institute regularly is updated and improves. 
Soft skills are highly important because we all have to 
communicate within our organization. “Technical skills are highly 

valued, don’t get me wrong, but it’s the soft skills that will help you 
stand out from the crowd. If you can’t accurately convey those 
technical skills or thoughts, how can you be a valued employee?” she 
The specific requirements for both hard and soft skills will 
vary depending on the job, the company or the industry you work in, 
as well as how you plan to advance your career. But attaining these 
soft skills can be more difficult than building up technical skillsets. 
“Many employers can train an employee on a computer program or 
laboratory skill in a relatively short amount of time, but they would 
likely find it more difficult to train an employee on how to resolve 
conflicts or be an effective member of a team. Soft skills are not 
developed overnight.” In order to make yourself a more attractive 
hire, you first need to identify where you fall short in your soft skills, 
and how much you want to improve. This will give you a goal to 
work toward, and help you decide what activities to pursue to reach 
that goal. 
Picture 2 – Top Five In-Demand Skills for Engineers 
Here are the top five most in-demand skills for engineers on 
the job hunt, along with some advice on what you can do to show off 
and sharpen these skills. Technical skills will still be the main skillset 
recruiters look at when assessing candidates. They want to know that 
you have the education, credentials and experience that the job 
According to Froistad, technical skills are critical to success 

in a technical role. A company hiring software engineers, for 
instance, will likely require that applicants possess strong technical 
ability in computer programming languages such as Java and C++. 
Picture 3 – Technical skills 
Technical skills are important to show that you can learn. The 
fact is, not every company uses the exact same text book software or 
processes. They have their own proprietary way of doing things, and 
will train you accordingly, but they want to know that you have 
aptitude. Recruiters and hiring managers also want to see that you are 
willing and able to pursue additional training, and up-to-date 
knowledge about current trends, to enhance the technical skills you 
already possess. Grover-Bisker emphasized that “the technical skills 
are important to show that you can learn. The fact is, not every 
company uses the exact same textbook, software or processes. They 
have their own proprietary way of doing things, and will train you 
accordingly, but they want to know that you have aptitude.” Having 
strong technical skills demonstrates that you have the ability to 
identify and solve technical problems.

Picture 4 – Communication Skills 
In both personal life and work life, communication is key. 
Many engineering jobs are exceptionally information-heavy. This 
means engineers must be able to handle multiple modes of 
communication: technical and non-technical, written and verbal, 
online and in person.
Good communication skills are essential for 
team activities such as brainstorming, project meetings, product 
design and problem solving. Across all of these tasks you are likely 
to interact with clients and colleagues at all levels of the 
organization. This means, being able to communicate your ideas 
clearly is an essential skill. As many engineering jobs are heavily 
project-based, being able to keep track of yourself, your team and 
your project as a whole is also critical. You must be able to 
coordinate, prioritize and schedule multiple people, tasks, resources 
and projects in order to meet your deadlines and achieve your goals. 
This all rests on a foundation of reliable and efficient 

Picture 5 – 
Interpersonal Skills 
Closely related to communication skills, interpersonal skills 
are an important component of success in the workplace. These days, 
it’s a rare job that requires no cooperative work with other people.
Cultivating your interpersonal skills will make you an effective team 
or group leader, enable you to build and maintain strong 
relationships with both coworkers and clients and help you manage 
staff efficiently and effectively. Conflict resolution is an essential 

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