proficiency, since a full
fledged unit of communication is an utterance, not a single word.
On the other hand, both phonetic and grammatical educational material cannot but be based
on lexical units. The introductory phonetic course involves the lexical level of the language
(the rhythm of the word, intonation), and speaking of grammar, we mean the grammatical
form of a word
that declines or conjugates. Lexical units are necessary as a material for the
formation of the simplest phonetic and
grammatical skills, as well as for providing the
simplest communicative needs. In accordance with these tasks, at the initial stage, the
student's vocabulary is minimal and consists of the necessary words with a specific topic,
obvious compatibility and high frequency.
Ways to memorize new vocabulary at the middle stage
Lexical difficulties naturally appear at the middle stage of training. With intensive
language training, as in a university, the learner's vocabulary soon begins to grow rapidly
and share functional aspects
conversational, every day, socio
political, etc. The student
has to master long lists of words, and first of all he faces the problem of memorizing lexical
Probably, every teacher has repeatedly heard
complaints about poor memory
or a
request to advise some other ways to memorize vocabulary. However, no matter what new
technologies or alternative ways of memorizing
words (relaxation therapy, associative,
figurative method) we resort to, the patterns of our brain can not
change. We
must proceed from the fact that according to statistics, in order to remember a word, it must
be "encountered" from 7 to 12 times, as well as from the fact that in short
term memory
words are kept from vivid impressions, and in long
term memory
they are preserved thanks
to objective and mental actions carried out with lexical material. This means that the correct
method of teaching vocabulary will be the introduction, constant repetition and
consolidation of new words in different contexts and in different types of speech activity.
Unsuccessful mastery of vocabulary, thus, is explained solely by insufficient, disinterested
work with the material, low independent work of the student, ignoring one of the types of
speech activity (reading, listening) in the language on the
part of the teacher as the
organizer of the educational process or on the part of the student.
Work on a word at the middle stage of learning begins with its introduction as a two
sided unit. First of all, attention is drawn to the
phonetic appearance of the word. It is
desirable to introduce vocabulary in the classroom and, due to the difficulties of the
phonetic system, pronounce it aloud together with the students, sometimes exaggerating the
sounds. Memorizing the phonetic features of a word is mandatory, but not enough, since it
does not give freedom of using the word in speech. Therefore, whenever possible, the
introduction of vocabulary
is accompanied by a word
formation analysis (employee
unemployed), a linguistic and cultural commentary (5 o'clock tea
traditional tea drinking in the UK), explanations about the situation of using the word in
speech (Bless you!
a wish for health when a person sneezes), a note on its compatibility
(bad fish
spoiled fish). Naturally, vocabulary is easier to remember if it is given in
thematic blocks, that is, words used in one area of life (school day, pharmacy, sports), as
well as in phraseological turns (to burn bridges
to burn bridges). Then the memory of one
of the words of the chain will "pull" the following ones. This, as a rule, is methodically
already laid down in the manuals by their creators. As we see it, resorting to the latest ways
of memorizing vocabulary is justified only in difficult cases when the possibilities of
traditional methods are exhausted. So, when introducing a new vocabulary, students can be
advised to memorize a word in an associative way, that is, through memorizing the
association that a foreign word causes (eagle
eagle (he has a beak like a needle)). This
method can be effective for abstract nouns, which, as a rule, are more difficult to remember
stated by British linguist Kuvshinov V. I [2]. It is worth mentioning that this method is
purely individual, since each person has their own associations associated with a particular
word, so it may be in vain to impose their associations. Naturally, it will be irrational to
memorize all words only in this way, since instead of a direct connection "concept
an intermediate link "similar to the Russian word" is formed, which slows down mental and
speech activity. In some cases, it is possible to recommend a structural
figurative way of
memorizing lexical units based on involuntary memory. To do this, the word must have a
bright distinctive set
of labels that make it possible to include it in the original figurative
structure. It consists in the fact that when memorizing words, vivid plot pictures are created,
but not frozen like photos, but including action, movement. In this way, memorizing a word
is not an end in itself, but becomes the result of efforts to create a figurative picture in the
mind, which includes both the meaning of the word and its sound. For example, it's not
hard to imagine images in motion for words like clap your hands!
clap your hands! After
presenting a lexical unit, the traditional way of memorizing vocabulary cannot be excluded
from the student's independent (home)
work on a word, the effectiveness of which is
difficult to deny, since several types of memory are involved in it. This method consists in
the fact that new units are written out, on the one hand
in a foreign language, on the
their translation into their native language. Thus,
the student mobilizes
mechanical and visual memory, and if he also pronounces a word, then auditory memory. It
is important that this work has a psychological aspect
by adhering to it, the student should
give himself a clear instruction to remember all the words for a long time, forever. The
success of memorization largely depends on concentration, diligence and strong
effort. Such a state does not occur immediately, but after some time of "working out".
Concentration of consciousness, expressed
in the activity of the student, contributes to
easier imprinting of the
studied material in memory.As you know, memory processes are,
in addition to memorization, reproduction (actualization, renewal) and natural forgetting.
Therefore, vocabulary should continue to be fixed (updated) in other types of work, when
the group is working on the use of a particular grammatical structure in speech (for
example, in English it is a complex system of verb
time forms), on
reading the text and its
translation, on listening, etc. in the classroom, as well as in the process of independent
home) work.After getting acquainted with the new lexical block, fixing it in the classroom
and working out independently, it is impossible
to exclude the traditional lexical survey as a
control, after which, provided that students show results, you can proceed to conditional
exercises, such as retelling, creative retelling, compilation of a topic on the
topic.When repeating vocabulary
in the survey, it is more useful to reproduce words in any
order, rather than in the order in which they were learned
or recorded in writing at home
(for example, from the end of the list to the beginning). At the same time, it is considered
that the first repetition of the learned list should be done after 7
10 hours, then every 24
hours. In total, it is necessary to repeat the learned words 4 times, i.e. once a day for four
days after memorization (here we refer to the classical memory research experiments of
Marchan N. B.[3]. Conditional speech exercises are effective for the group of students who
remember words better
when they "pass them through themselves", through speech (written
or oral). According to studies of the memory of Soviet psychologists A.A. Smirnov and P.I.
Zinchenko [4], memorizing words should not be a goal in learning a foreign language, but
only an action leading to the achievement of a goal. Thus, in order to consolidate and repeat
new words on a particular topic, it is appropriate to
offer students creative homework: they
can write an essay, a story, a description, come up with a dialogue, etc. Such
tasks stimulate
the independent search for lexical units in dictionaries and reference books. And when the
task is to find a really necessary word that you want to include in your story, this word is
more firmly remembered, as the factor of necessity and emotional, rather than indifferent
attitude affects, which allows the basic principles of modern linguodidactics to be
motivation, purposefulness, situational communication. [5]
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